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Comment count is 13
Nominal - 2023-03-08

Poe's Law. I seriously can't tell.

This rest of the channel by TWO BROS DO REAL ESTATE seems serious, sooooo.

SolRo - 2023-03-08

“Tip of a shiv, tip of a bat, tip of a .45?

I mean in which order do you want them.”

Binro the Heretic - 2023-03-08

It's so grotesque, I hope it's parody.

But then again...

SolRo - 2023-03-08

This Is What Libertarians Actually Believe!

Cena_mark - 2023-03-08

Terrible analogy. Tipping a landlord isn't like tipping a barista or a waiter. It's like tipping the owner the coffee shop or the restaurant.

ashtar. - 2023-03-08

They don't make their money from doing stuff, they make their money from owning stuff. A handyman that did the same amount of work would be paid way less. Also, they are maintaining THEIR OWN PROPERTY that they own. Just fucking insane.

radiosquido - 2023-03-09

I dunno. I was a pretty lenient landlord. When my tenant had trouble paying rent on time, I added a two week grace period for late payments "for emergencies." That instantly became the de facto due-date for rent. I still didn't charge her anything extra when she was more than two weeks late. I did have to leave work early sometimes to address her somewhat silly/destructive behaviors (i.e., clogging a toilet with paper towels because she was out of TP and then trying to fix it with a gallon of Drano).

In the end, she broke a lot of stuff, it was a hassle, I didn't make that much money (especially after the taxes, which were way higher than my W2 income) and after I started making more money at my day job, I just sold the house. It wasn't worth it.

Regarding this video, though, yeah that's absurd. It's obviously the convention in the US that servers are paid via their tips. I just get annoyed with the landlord-hate sometimes, having been on the other side for a few years.

cognitivedissonance - 2023-03-09

Class traitor says what?

SolRo - 2023-03-09

I’m certain that the ratio of nightmare tenants vs normal tenants is very low or landlordism wouldn’t be so popular among the entitled lazy rich.

But it sure as hell is over represented by landlords to justify their tick-like grip on the market and demands for loosening eviction laws.

Nominal - 2023-03-11

"Why I tell you, my 98% completely passive income wasn't that much! And when I decided to end it, all I had to show for it was a good chunk of a million for selling the house I own!"

#Rent seeker problems

ashtar. - 2023-03-11

Though obviously not a feature of an ideal society, small landlords aren't really the biggest problem, and them being increasingly replaced by investment capital is one of the reasons rent is so damn high.

I used to live in this quasi-punk house on the northside of Missoula. Our landlord was a wildland firefighter who was out flying a helicopter most of the year. I moved in when my GF went to rehab to preserve her space. I kept helping the landlord move and fix stuff and deal with noise complaint and eventually he was like "hey wait, do you live here? oh ok, cool." So, shoutout to Louis.

ashtar. - 2023-03-11

To be clear, I never signed anything and was never a legal tenant in any sense.

Juice Eggs McKenna - 2023-03-08

Lol tipping

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