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Comment count is 12
casualcollapse - 2023-03-15

I think that burger hologram took a piece of my soul

Dang you snothouse

Iakchos - 2023-03-15

Absolutely fantastic! It also made me realize how much I would appreciate it if more contemporary things simply looked like this without being pastiches or throwbacks.

Quad9Damage - 2023-03-15

Someone needs to make Steamed Hams into an anime battle now.

Quad9Damage - 2023-03-15

"Well, Parasite, I made it. Despite your directions."

"Superintendent Worker, welcome!"

Adjuvant - 2023-03-15


Anaxagoras - 2023-03-15

Wonderful! I particularly like how there were only two hamburgers on the plate. Very Soviet.

Xenocide - 2023-03-16

These extremely similar to burgers we receive twice per decade as part of generous beef ration.

Quad9Damage - 2023-03-18

"Seymour! The rations have lessened!"

"No, Mother, that's just your lack of dedication to the cause."

ashtar. - 2023-03-15

long live POSHTV.com
(portal of steamed hams)

Xenocide - 2023-03-16

I always said this place needs to be more posh.

Xenocide - 2023-03-16

Skinner hears the workers' protestations
glorious Union forms to bring them validation
if you don't give Stalin your supplication
there'll be trouble in town tonight!

undecided - 2023-03-17

It's an Arkhangelsk expression

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