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Comment count is 13
casualcollapse - 2023-04-05

Well, dang now I can’t hate the old one, but should I watch the new

SolRo - 2023-04-05

It’s a very pretty movie.

Watch the pretty movie

casualcollapse - 2023-04-06

Oh yeah I forgot I have a kick ass LG OLED


poorwill - 2023-04-05

avatar was slop and so is james cameron's filmography generally.

ashtar. - 2023-04-05

buff chad navi wojack (me), crying soy Giovanni Ribisi wojack (you)

casualcollapse - 2023-04-06

poorwill nuzzles your unobtainiyum

Binro the Heretic - 2023-04-05

They're not bad movies, they're just... movies.

My favorite summary of "Avatar" comes from Tim Hickson of the "Hello Future Me" YouTube channel.

He describes it as "The most movie ever made."

Cameron makes the Hell out of a movie.

SolRo - 2023-04-05

I generally go to movies to see movies.

Cameron makes movies that don’t make me regret spending the time and money to his movies.

There are better movies but there are a lot more worse movies.

And he’s definitely one of those guys that makes a movie worthy of getting your ass to a theater.

Nominal - 2023-04-06

Aliens was the last good movie Cameron made.

cognitivedissonance - 2023-04-06

I decided that CATS 2019 was the last movie that I, personally, would ever see in a movie theater, because I think it was the best movie to end filmgoing on. I'm never returning to a theater.

Gmork - 2023-04-06


Sputum - 2023-04-06

These guys really spent an hour and a half getting their minds blown by the most obvious, ham-fisted, spoon-fed, anti-colonial plot ever conceived.

It was a pretty good movie. Aliens, T2, and Titanic were all better IMO.

Nominal - 2023-04-08

"Pretty pictures moved on the screen"

1 star for Chapo, Avatar, AND Avatar fans

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