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Comment count is 5
Binro the Heretic - 2023-05-07

These poor animals are bred to be incredibly high-strung and it's easy for them to literally die of stress.

The whole practice needs to stop.

decoy - 2023-05-08

It's a barbaric ritual, and I just don't understand - irrespective of ones background with horses - how it isn't patently obvious to all that these animals suffer deeply as a result it. People are shit. Horse breeders are worse than shit.

SolRo - 2023-05-08

It’s a sport for ultra rich sociopaths, so it’s not like they’d understand

casualcollapse - 2023-05-09

What is a normal amount of horses to die leading up to this?

decoy - 2023-05-09

There isn't one.

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