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Crackersmack - 2023-06-16

this is the asshole that took it upon himself to design a windowless dorm building basically designed to torture college students, and then gave $200 million to the University of California with the stipulation that they build it exactly as he designed. of course they took it instead of telling him to fuck off and just building more normal dorms with all the billions they already have

yogarfield - 2023-06-16

Question: would you rather be poor and free, or a rich, pedantic cyclops with a silly voice?

duck&cover - 2023-06-16

What a Munger.

Nominal - 2023-06-16

Ah, the "nightmare dorm" guy who demanded they build a prison-ship dorm. The saddest part was his $200 million donation is only 13% the cost of the dorm. So it's not even like the school got a FREE nightmare dorm out of the deal. They're still stuck for $1.3 billion and will have that blight on their campus for decades.

Another recent disgust was seeing a couple Charlie Munger & Warren Buffet talks on youtube. The fawning comments calling them visionary geniuses. Nothing as douchey as claiming Warren is a superior human being for donating more networth to CHARITY, but still very sad.

jfcaron_ca - 2023-06-16

At least Buffet admits he should be taxed at like 90% if the system were ethical.

ashtar. - 2023-06-16

Well Munger is still a better person than you, since you haven't contributed nearly as much to build a nightmare dorm.

Binro the Heretic - 2023-06-16

Why do these people think they're immune from being dragged into the street and hung from lamp posts?

SolRo - 2023-06-17

Because they are.

Americans are dumb bigots and will hang all the transgenders/immigrants/minorities before they touch a single hair on a billionaires head

Anaxagoras - 2023-06-18

For now. And the French were passive morons who let the aristocrats financially rape them at will... until they didn't.

I have no idea what it will take to make Americans wake up, but... no group of people is uniquely passive or bigoted. The rich are playing with fire, although they don't realize it.

Binro the Heretic - 2023-06-20


Back in the 1980s/1990s when the working class could still enjoy some prosperity, the ones lucky enough to have good jobs and decent lives didn't care what happened to the unlucky ones who got curb-stomped by Reaganomics.

But now that more of them are suffering through no fault of their own, you hear more rumblings about inequity.

cognitivedissonance - 2023-06-18

There used to be a Hell for the rich, and a heaven for the poor.

And THAT is what kept the poor working, not anything else.

When you started letting the billionaires into heaven, there's no reason whatsoever for the poors to do anything except work, and that's a really hellacious way to live.

Binro the Heretic - 2023-06-20

When Jesus said, "It is easier for a camel to pass through the eye of a needle than for a rich man to enter the kingdom of God," he wasn't talking about an actual needle for sewing. He was talking about one of the gates into Jerusalem that was nicknamed "The Eye of the Needle" because it was so low and narrow.

To get through "The Eye of the Needle," a camel would have to be stripped of everything they were carrying, have all their limbs bound so they couldn't stand up and be dragged through with ropes.

I am fully in favor of stripping rich people of all their possessions including their money, tying them up and dragging them through a small opening to get them into Heaven.

Even though Jesus definitely says "a needle" not "The Needle" and there's no historic record of such a gate existing in Jerusalem before the 9th century.

Let's get these billionaires into Heaven! They deserve it!

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