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Comment count is 5
SolRo - 2023-07-02

To be fair to Bobby, you’re likely getting your face near some type of intestine or animal innards when using a decent amount of musical instruments

Binro the Heretic - 2023-07-02

Hauntingly beautiful.

Sludge Vohaul - 2023-07-02

A high school friend found his dad's Zamfir tapes and would played them cranked to 11 while cruising in his car with the windows rolled down. He was convinced this was a clever tactic to pick up girls who were tired of listening to cock rock and dance music.

As far as I know he is still single to this day.

Slumgullion - 2023-07-02


yogarfield - 2023-07-02

But did he have a butthorn? Because if didn't, then that's probably why he's still single.

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