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Comment count is 7
BiggerJ - 2023-07-16

Needs the 'poetv original' tag.

duck&cover - 2023-07-16

You crazy car, I don't know whether to eat you or kiss you.

cognitivedissonance - 2023-07-16

Every day, I drive past the Tacoma Dome on my way to work. I do this pretty much every day. The list of absurd things happening at the Tacoma Dome only ever increases.

And yeah, Robosaurus, DC Talk, Jars of Clay, the Elton John impersonator, WWE and all the greats have played there. There's also this huge car museum in the parking lot owned by the LeMay (mafia) garbage truck family, and it's never opened. It just seems like a personal garage for a rich guy.

BiggerJ - 2023-07-17

I'm gonna look up coming Tacoma Dome events right now and oh look, a charity event, two RV sales... and Avenged Sevenfold, Morgan Wallen, Pink and Tool concerts.

garcet71283 - 2023-07-18

That big titty brings a smile to my face every time I’m passing by it, inevitably stuck in Tacoma traffic, but never stopping in Tacoma.

betamaxed - 2023-07-16

5 for "the entire town smells like a fart". The Tacoma Aroma is real.

garcet71283 - 2023-07-18

Tacomaroma isn’t as bad as it used to be. Best thing right now is that Tacoma has a special security force not affiliated with the police who’s sole purpose is to dismantle homeless camps while the residents are panhandling or at work. They have snappy uniforms and everything!

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