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Comment count is 13
teethsalad - 2023-07-20

can't help but think if farley lived he'd probably be about at the same point in his career and fairly right wing

i was a huge fan and worshiped him as a kid but between him palling around with gingrich in the contract for america days and supposedly fundraising for the GOP back in the day ehhhhhhh

and the arc of his career had pretty clearly peaked by that point

Cena_mark - 2023-07-20

It seemed to happen to most of the Gen X comedians, even the black ones. And it just seems to be comedians not musicians or actors from this generation. I think it's because when the Gen X comedians were starting out certain degrees of racism, sexism, homophobia, and transphobia were acceptable in stand up. As time goes on their old material is seen as less acceptable. Unlike the musicians, they have to make new material. A Gen X musician can get by playing their hits from the 90s and 00s, but comedians have to have new material. This makes the Gen X comedian feel attacked and oppressed (despite being rich) and rather than adapt to the times they lash out.

teethsalad - 2023-07-21

fair point - stars 'fer cena

Sludge Vohaul - 2023-07-20

You're right Rob - they SHOULD hire based on the most competent person!

Your entire career has been playing shitty stereotypes of other races and cultures and now that they hire actual Indians and Mexicans for the roles you used to butcher you are literally useless.

Seven Arts/H8 Red - 2023-07-20

Thing is, given he's quarter-Filipino on his mother's side, Rob Schneider was what passed for an Asian SNL cast-member back in his era.

I remember SNL's Asian characters usually going to Mike Myers or Dana Carvey.

Seven Arts/H8 Red - 2023-07-20

^ maternal grandmother's

Sludge Vohaul - 2023-07-20

I'm not talking about SNL, he hasn't been on that show in 30 years.

I'm talking about gems like this, from 2015

Seven Arts/H8 Red - 2023-07-21

Doesn't invalidate the point of "marginal stereotype-role player even during his career highlights".

SolRo - 2023-07-20

Are the mediocre white SNL alumni just super jealous of how some non-white SNL actors had success and respect?

exy - 2023-07-20

This is worse than Michael Richards's gaffe, but he didn't use the N-word, so he's safe.

Nominal - 2023-07-20

Rob Schneider was friends with talented people?

Binro the Heretic - 2023-07-20

For the record, the CEO of United Airlines said they're going to work harder to get people from a variety of backgrounds into the training program for airline pilots.

At no point did they say diversity would take priority over passenger safety.

But that's how Schneider interpreted it.

SolRo - 2023-07-20

I mean, from his own words in the video he thinks whites are safe pilots and coloreds are a risk

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