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Comment count is 29
Binro the Heretic - 2023-07-25

It's mostly the sort of whining you'd expect from Shapiro. I don't know how accurate his version of the plot and events are because I haven't seen the movie yet, but since it's Shapiro, I'm guessing it's not very accurate.

There is this one bit around the 27 minute mark when he goes on a rant about how women only got political power in the US because men gave it to them. I don't think he even realizes what he's saying.

Anyway, listening to this man speak is like being barked at by a chihuahua.

cognitivedissonance - 2023-07-30

Court fop, as far I can surmise.

casualcollapse - 2023-07-26

Stop giving this asshole any views even ironically


ashtar. - 2023-07-26

I was mostly hoping this would give us a forum to talk about the Barbie movie.

It was pretty good! Gosling kind of stole the show. It tried too hard to be meaningful and emotional rather than just high camp, I think, but the Ken parts were really good.

John Holmes Motherfucker - 2023-07-26

As always, I agree with ashtar, who is never wrong about anything!

The Barbie movie is genius. It's campy and funny, buts it's also a weapon in the culture war. This isn't made up bullshit like canceling Dr. Seuss or the War on Christmas. This is a tool for feminist moms.to teach their values to their.daughters. Like Ben, I was surrounded by Moms and little girls. iI was wearing my Boxxy cosplay T-shirt, which actually fits now. Sorry, not sorry!

Its way smarter than you expect. In its way, it's as much about ideas as Oppenheimer. Little girls aren't going to grasp all these discussions of gender roles and sexual politics, but they'll come back to it. Something that you loved as a.child.becomes more beloved when it brings new.insights.
When I was 8 , my favorite movie was The Bride of Frankenstein. I was past 30 when I discovered that it was all about being queer.

Now, that's the best part. My FAVORITE part is that it's spring loaded to make.guys like Ben look like assholes when they complain about it. And they can't not talk about it, because it's a real threat.

John Holmes Motherfucker - 2023-07-26

I have to disagree. This is the only Ben Shapiro video you'll ever need to see, but you need to see it. If you can't stand Ben's clipped, droning monotone, mute it. I recommend Abba, or Devo.

Barbie 1. Shapiro 0

Don't worry, Ben. You're Benough.

ashtar. - 2023-07-27

"I was surrounded by Moms and little girls. iI was wearing my Boxxy cosplay T-shirt, which actually fits now. Sorry, not sorry!" -JHM


So, like, the quest was for Barbie to go out and find the girl (spoilers: actually a hot latina milf) who was playing with her and was sad and this was messing up Barbieland. That plot was sort of abandoned and they went back to Barbieland and got caught up in Ken taking over everything. We never really find out anything about hot latina milf's life or why she's sad except some implied alienation from her daughter. There was an awesome dance fight, then there was that weird tacked-on Rhea Pearlman thing at the end where Barbie decides to become a real person for reasons not explained earlier.

Aside from some joking (but based) misandry (dudes always be explaining The Godfather) and some gestures at the Supreme Court, this, then, is the message of the movie: that change does not happen in the real world, but in the world of symbolism and representation. Barbie doesn't go out and put the mom in charge of Mattel, the mom comes to Barbieland and helps fix things. Even there, though, they just restore the status quo that Barbie had though erroneously had helped women in the real world.

So, it's feminist in so far as it recognizes reality (men are in charge of stuff, will play annoying guitar songs at you, and would dress way cooler left to their own devices), but taken on its own terms it's incredibly depressing in terms of its assessment of the prospects of feminism as a political program of equality in the real world.

One is reminded of Nussbaum's critique of Butler:

"Feminist thinkers of the new symbolic type would appear to believe that the way to do feminist politics is to use words in a subversive way, in academic publications of lofty obscurity and disdainful abstractness. These symbolic gestures, it is believed, are themselves a form of political resistance; and so one need not engage with messy things such as legislatures and movements in order to act daringly. The new feminism, moreover, instructs its members that there is little room for large-scale social change, and maybe no room at all. We are all, more or less, prisoners of the structures of power that have defined our identity as women; we can never change those structures in a large-scale way, and we can never escape from them. All that we can hope to do is to find spaces within the structures of power in which to parody them, to poke fun at them, to transgress them in speech. And so symbolic verbal politics, in addition to being offered as a type of real politics, is held to be the only politics that is really possible."

John Holmes Motherfucker - 2023-07-28

Cm'on, ashtar! Let's go party!

Nominal - 2023-07-26

All the sound & farming of the eight wing noise machine going on about the feminization of men, yet you look at the evolution from Liddy to Limbaugh to Crowder to Shapiro, and nowhere else is it more true then themselves.

Nominal - 2023-07-26

^sound & FARTING

Stupid phone

love - 2023-07-26

"eight wing noise machine" is a decent concept album title

Cena_mark - 2023-07-26

In his novel True Allegiance, he describes the main protagonist, Brett Hawthorne as, "a bear of a man, six three in his bare feet and two hundred fifteen pounds in his underwear, with a graying blond crew cut and a face carved of granite." I can't tell whether he wants to he Brett Hawthorne or fuck him.

SolRo - 2023-07-26


He wants Brett to fuck him

ashtar. - 2023-07-26

I mean look at how he's fucking dressing.
Just the gayest.

John Holmes Motherfucker - 2023-07-26

I'm 6 foot, 245 lbs. THAT'S what a bear of a man looks like, asshole!

Torture the Artist - 2023-08-02

that's not what a bear is, no. aren't you that guy who wanted to fuck the boxy child?

John Holmes Motherfucker - 2023-08-02


Torture the Artist - 2023-08-03

both times i've mentioned you you've invoked oscar wilde and i have no fucking clue what i'm doing or saying that's making you think of him. do you need me to point out five or six more times that you're the fucking loser who wanted to fuck boxxy and was contacting her mom and shit? was that what oscar wilde said right after the curtains quip?

John Holmes Motherfucker - 2023-09-09

It's IRONY. Because Oscar Wilde was clever, and you're not.

John Holmes Motherfucker - 2023-07-28

>>>I was surrounded by Moms and little girls. iI was wearing my Boxxy cosplay T-shirt, which actually fits now. Sorry, not sorry!" -JHM


Which part of that are you not buying? The part where I lost some weight? I've gone from an American 2XL to a European 2XL.

Like Shakespeare, and Charles Dickens, my Boxxy T shirt comes from the UK.

ashtar. - 2023-07-28

The "nah" was related the the rest of your post.

The quote was intended to just stand on its own. Just pointing out that that was a sentence you typed into the internet.

John Holmes Motherfucker - 2023-08-02

Hilarious, now that you've explained it.

John Holmes Motherfucker - 2023-07-28

Ashtar totally intended to goad me into posting this embarrassing picture of myself after the first area showing of BARBIE, soaking wet from and as you can see, he's outsmarted me yet again.

Sorry, not sorry!


Sludge Vohaul - 2023-07-29

I like your curtains.

John Holmes Motherfucker - 2023-07-29

Shit, I should throw that in the wash.

John Holmes Motherfucker - 2023-07-29


I was soaking wet because it rained. Ordinarily, that would go without saying.

Rafiki - 2023-07-30

Autistic reporter Micheal Falk rants about Barbie movie for 43 minutes.

Torture the Artist - 2023-08-02

lol i hate the disabled too man.

how did this site end up crystalized in amber for over a decade? buy a mirror.

John Holmes Motherfucker - 2023-08-02

Can you see yourself in a mirror when you're crystallized in amber?

Torture the metaphor.

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