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Comment count is 14
Sputum - 2023-07-26

i lolled at the special keyboard for meta engineers. very dry humor, i like it

SolRo - 2023-07-26

Musk paid 40 billion for some empty office buildings and a quickly deteriorating code base.

ashtar. - 2023-07-26

He also paid for a recognizable and valuable brand, which he just torched.

SolRo - 2023-07-26

Exactly what I’m saying, those are the only things left over

ashtar. - 2023-07-27

You're a dimension ahead of me in this chess game.

John Holmes Motherfucker - 2023-07-26

Mike Lindell just offered 5 million dollars to anyone who can prove that this is a dumb idea.

Sludge Vohaul - 2023-07-26

I'll wager Elon will try to claim it.

cognitivedissonance - 2023-07-26

You know WHY he doesn't just go back to South Africa?

Because he still owes taxes on PayPal.

scrungus - 2023-07-26

x.com just redirects to twitter.com

SolRo - 2023-07-26

How much of a clusterfuck we looking at when Elon makes a 3AM demand that the site has to be hosted as x.com within a week?

John Holmes Motherfucker - 2023-07-26

Younhave to Wonder how many millions he paid for that domain.

Nothing,should ever be named "X".

Not a band, not a horror movie, not an open source windows systems protocol , not a pop album, not ANOTHER horror movie, not a black Muslim activist,and author.

Nothing should be named X, and yet, for some weird reason , EVERYTHING is named X.

So Elon has traded one of the most iconic brands of the. 21st century or,something that'll take 20 minutes to find in your average whoreson search engine.

Smooth move, X-Lax!

Seven Arts/H8 Red - 2023-07-27

I think Musk wants to manifest his brand X into the social media world, on the conceit that someone has likely bioengineered a cynocephalus to stop him.

Also, there are problems with the Mr. Clipboard mecha.

SolRo - 2023-07-27

Afaik musk has owned x.com since the 90s because it was used for the PayPal progenitor site and he’s just obsessed with putting X in everything like the cool 90s kid he still mentally is

ashtar. - 2023-07-27

He does have incredibly Gen X vibes.

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