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Comment count is 3
garcet71283 - 2023-08-08

Thought I imagined this as a kid.

Waldo looks like Rick Steeves

Binro the Heretic - 2023-08-10

Why WAS he renamed "Waldo" for American audiences?

It would make more since if he was renamed "Waldo" for British audiences since "Wally" is British slang for cock.

Jeriko-1 - 2023-08-11

Five stars for reminding me of the time I found tits in a Where's Waldo book. This is before grownups had noticed that this was there and there was a tiny dustup over the whole thing when they did.

In Where's Waldo at the Beach as one is looking for Waldo you'll notice all of these guys rubbernecking in unison. If you zero in on the epicenter a demonic child has purposefully dropped his ice cream on a female sunbather. She's unstrapped her bikini top so as she shoots up in shock she flashes the entire beach. SA is a hilarious! But yeah, 12 year old me thought that was delightfully subversive and amusing to sneak in.

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