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Comment count is 9
Lef - 2023-08-07

Will Nominal become a linked tag?

Brah, I hope you're ok. You try so hard.

Are you hard now?

Lef - 2023-08-07

You are the wind beneath my wings

Binro the Heretic - 2023-08-07

Shit, IS Nominal okay? What happened?

casualcollapse - 2023-08-07

I think they are just going nuts downvoting all the videos

SolRo - 2023-08-08

Coggy fired him over a bad pun

themilkshark - 2023-08-08

let me post videos without the hopper

Lef - 2023-08-10


TeenerTot - 2023-08-08

Every time former AG Bill Barr spoke, I pictured Kevin.

Robin Kestrel - 2023-08-08

Kevin is the best.

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