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Comment count is 10
casualcollapse - 2023-08-09

Bubba the love sponge???

No insult, but isn’t that redneck radio

duck&cover - 2023-08-09

Hulk Hogan Banged My Life & Ruined My Wife

garcet71283 - 2023-08-09

Hulk Hogan Banged My Life & Ruined My Wife

My Life Banged & Ruined My Hulk Hogan Wife

Lef - 2023-08-09

It isn't the Hulksters fault, how could he not bang that wife?

Cena_mark - 2023-08-09

It isn't the Huckster's fault at all. Bubba let Hulk do it and secretly taped it. Then he leaked it when he and Hulk had a falling out. Now this sack of shit wants to whine like getting sued was Hogan's fault. Well that's not how things work, brother!

simon666 - 2023-08-09

In the end I think the right thing happened. Hulk got to bang a hot babe who wanted to bang him and Gawker or whatever had to shut down for publishing the video and getting sued for it. And this numb nuts who released the video got the shit-end of the stick.

Pillager - 2023-08-09

We're being worked.

Due to the Hulkster's alleged taste for Brutus' Beekcake, they needed a distraction from the alleged affairs that caused Linda & Terry's divorce.

ashtar. - 2023-08-10

When Jesse Ventura was talking about starting a pro wrestling union, Hogan ratted him out to Vince McMahon.

ashtar. - 2023-08-10

Also, you know:

"In 2015, an audio recording (and its transcripts) of her father Hulk Hogan allegedly making comments about her and her choice of companionship in 2006 became the center of controversy that resulted in his contract with the WWE ending. Hulk Hogan's comments described himself as her ideal husband and that he would bring 'Hulkamania' on anyone who married his daughter.[46][47] In response, she wrote a poem defending him.[48][49][50]"

Crackersmack - 2023-08-10

there is a different timeline where Jesse Ventura unionizes wrestling and eventually ends up as the president

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