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fedex - 2023-08-12

God that looks vile (and deadly)

Jeriko-1 - 2023-08-12

At the height of my alcoholism I would make his fishbowl drink recipes and drink them single handedly. Yes, I was fully aware this guy was a clickbait mixologist just throwing random shit together that no sane person would consume but I did it anyway because 'I thought it was funny'. Well funny until I made his Halloween punch bowl. While delicious the ingredients are 100% guaranteed to give you a hangover so severe all you will think about for seven hours is how you want the pain to end. I forget the ingredients but they included tinned pumpkin pie filling and cream soda.

Binro the Heretic - 2023-08-12

In my misspent youth of the 1990s, we called this "Jungle Juice" but we would make it in a big ice chest and drop in a couple of 2-liter bottles filled with water and frozen overnight to make it cold.

The ice chest had a drain tap for dispensing the liquid and we kept a pair of tongs on top for fishing out fruit.

The inside of the cooler we used was stained permanently pink.

This was also back in the days when Hawaiian Punch came in big cans.

I don't think we used vodka. There was definitely Everclear and white rum involved, though.

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