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Comment count is 20
The Mothership - 2023-08-12

For the last line.

Binro the Heretic - 2023-08-12

There are no heroes in this story.

Amos - 2023-08-12

The people beating the shit out of this "young man" because the police won't are definitely, definitely heroes. In a more civilized society we would have already cut off the guy's hand.

Binro the Heretic - 2023-08-12

No, they're not.

Everyone involved in this is a villain to some degree. The shoplifter is the worst of the lot, but nobody is innocent, here.

Of course, the real villain is capitalism.

ashtar. - 2023-08-12

Amos is so close to winning the right wingers convert to Wahhabism challenge!

ashtar. - 2023-08-12

Also, I think the guy filming is strikes the perfect balance between "whup his ass! and "ok that's enough". He's the real hero here.

Binro the Heretic - 2023-08-12

I guess he's the closest thing to one in this scenario.

I could accept him filming the beatdown, but egging it on pushed him into the "villain" category.

He's certainly the least villainous, here.

Bootymarch - 2023-08-12

It's not humane but the guy was hitting him almost exclusively on the legs and ass with a broomstick. I bet the thief wasn't too worse for the wear outside of some bad bruises.

Binro the Heretic - 2023-08-12

It's escalating, though.

The next shoplifter is more likely to go in with a weapon of their own.

Amos - 2023-08-13

"The next shoplifter is more likely to go in with a weapon of their own."

I don't think I actually believe this. I've seen enough videos of people nonchalantly looting stores in places like CA to see that they're doing it because there won't be any consequences. This guy had a confident swagger until that broomstick landed on him, at which exact instant he became a crying child.

It turns out if you incentivize crime you get more crime and if you disincentivize crime you get less crime. Lefties don't understand this, instead choosing to believe that "the real villain is capitalism". No, the real villains are this asshole and the person who believes this asshole is stealing cigarettes to "feed his family" or whatever you nitwits believe (we both know that if he has kids they're being raised by the mom and/or the state).

Binro the Heretic - 2023-08-14

So how do you feel about the lady getting hit with a chair during the Alabama riverboat brawl?

Amos - 2023-08-18

Heard about that video but didn't see it, so no opinion.

Crackersmack - 2023-08-18

capitalism is still the real villain

“The old world is dying, and the new world struggles to be born: now is the time of monsters.”

as our version of capitalism declines into fascism there will be people exploiting each other all over the place, robbing each other, doing pointless vandalism; this is the inevitable result of capitalist societies.

mon666ster - 2023-08-12

Further proof the right-wing are human garbage.

Crackersmack - 2023-08-13

I think it's better and healthier for everyone involved if the punishment for shoplifting is 'you might get your ass beat by the store workers and they won't face charges for that' rather than 'police arrest you and charge you with a crime that makes you permanently unemployed and homeless forever'

Amos - 2023-08-13

This is a good idea. Ever read Ivan Illich? I think there might be an argument here about "justice" that parallels what he had to say about "education" and "health care".

ashtar. - 2023-08-13

I do honestly think that corporal punishment would be a lot more just and humane than fines and imprisonment. Something non-injurious like getting pepper sprayed, say, for misdemeanors or infractions. Fines impact people vastly differently based on their wealth ($100 is nothing for some people and really devastating for others), and putting people in jail is expensive and messes up their lives. Obviously some problems with this as well. And jail as a way to forcibly detox people or connect them with services can be pretty useful.

jfcaron_ca - 2023-08-14

All fines should be indexed to income or wealth. IIRC in Norway a millionaire can get like a 200000 dollar speeding ticket.

Pepper spray can permanently blind people.

ashtar. - 2023-08-16

no it can't

ashtar. - 2023-08-16

Unless you get you get it from extreme short range and the force of the propellent damages your eyes. Or like you claw them out from the burning or something.

But I do like the wealth index.

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