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Comment count is 6
kingarthur - 2007-07-07

Hell yes, my favorite band. Before you diss the obvious pop attempt of this, listen to it. Its a bhangra with a hip-hop loop, some guitars, and Talvin Singh on tabla. and this was what? 91? Siouxsie's always ahead of the game. Also, its about the death of Jayne Mansfield. Best line in the song?
On the road to New Orleans/A spray of stars hits the screen

kiint - 2007-07-07

plus that scratching loop in the drum track has been sampled to hell and back by everyone and their dog...still nothing like the original!

Stopheles - 2007-07-07

That would be a sample of "P.S.K. (What Does it Mean?)", wouldn't it?

And how is this a more obvious pop attempt than "Peek-a-Boo," which is also lovely?

KnowFuture - 2007-07-07


kingarthur - 2007-07-07

Because Peek-A-Boo is mostly Siouxsie and the boys running a tape loop of their cover of John Cale's "Gun" BACKWARDS for the entire song. They never did straight pop attempts...they always put in some quirks/experiments.

Camonk - 2007-07-07

Wait, that's not Siouxsie right? Cause you said she was hot and, you know, I just assume that must be an actress playing her or something? Or maybe she's wearing a pointy-faced mask? And a body suit so she looks like a twelve year old boy?

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