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Comment count is 5
The Mothership - 2023-08-23

Not a dupe? Really? Mothership in the 2nd grade c.1986 ADORED McGruff the Crime Dog. He was such a good mascot.

Mr. Purple Cat Esq. - 2023-08-23

Technically no. Though in 2015 someone posted "COCAINE & CRACK".

duck&cover - 2023-08-23

Ironic that the actor portraying McGruff, John Morales, was sentenced to 16 years for possession of massive amounts of pot and guns.

SolRo - 2023-08-23

He’s literally a Crime Dog

Not an anti-crime dog

Cena_mark - 2023-08-23

Potheads piss me off. I long supported legalization, but they have no manners or decorum. Just smoke it whenever and wherever, let the whole city stink of it. Once I saw two assholes sharing a joint in a subway train under an ad telling marijuana users to be mindful of where they smoke. I see people smoke it in their cars in parking lots and then deive on off. We went from being told that marijuana would ruin our lives to largely believing that there's nothing wrong with it at all.

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