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Comment count is 5
Sludge Vohaul - 2023-08-24

Wow. I've never seen these, they're fantastic.

And this music!! Sounds like someone plucking down-tuned piano strings.


I never thought a Mountain Dew commercial would make my day.

Binro the Heretic - 2023-08-24

Really nails the look of a Prohias cartoon.

The Mothership - 2023-08-25

OMG the last one!

So, serious question: are there some, like, ancient-ass people like my age still having jobs in marketing firms, or are young people discovering Mad Magazine?

BiggerJ - 2023-08-25

A great subtle bit: at first, it looks like the soda machine is curved because of live-action-Grinch-movie-esque stylization. But it only looks like that while it's being pushed - it's comic strip visual language.

cognitivedissonance - 2023-08-27

I am pretty convinced the spies dress like that to vaguely resemble Eagle Eye Fleegle from "Lil' Abner", based on no evidence at all.

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