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Comment count is 5
MasturbationDestination - 2007-07-07

Well he kinda already was gonna was gonna win.

ztc - 2007-07-07

why don't they just tell him where his elephants are

Camonk - 2007-07-07

This is the greatest ass-whomping, real or imagind, up until this exact moment. Nothing previous could eclipse it. God help the guy who has to try to devise some future ass-whomping to be better.

PS: How'd he get up there so fast? Those guys are were totally bamboozled.

retrocious - 2008-11-24

now that's a continuous take!

Lies, lies, LIES! - 2009-07-19

You have to think, pads had to be dragged into the lobby for the balcony throws, and the stuntmen couldn't see that happening - they just had to trust that everyone was doing their jobs. What an amazing coordinated effort.

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