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Comment count is 7
Gmork - 2023-09-10

lol skinhead says child molesters are bad people.

i guess when there's literally only one group underneath you to punch down on, go off king

Mister Yuck - 2023-09-10

Absolutely nobody think about how a lot of child molesters were victims themselves as kids. Don't think about how side is cyclical sometimes. Nobody think about that or it might make you uncomfortable to think about them getting murdered in jail.

Pillager - 2023-09-10

It happened to me as a kid & I sure as Hell have no interest in kids nor do I want anyone to suffer as I have.

John Holmes Motherfucker - 2023-09-11

My late girlfriend was a paralegal, and she told me about someone who I knew because he worked for my landlord, who was a registered sex offender. He tried to get help for an urge to do whatever to children, and no one wanted to take the responsibility, and he reoffended. I don't have a moral for that story.

I don't know what these criminals deserve, but we should consider the possibility that draconian punishments incentivize extreme measures for child sexual predators to silence their victims. Some of these wretches may deserve what's coming to them, but are we really thinking about the children?

I oppose the death penalty, not because I don't believe there are people who deserve it, but because WE deserve better.

jfcaron_ca - 2023-09-11

Like with drug addiction and alcoholism, the disease model of paedophilia is meant to encourage treatment and management, not absolve moral responsibility. It's possible for it to have a cause (i.e. treating the abuser also a victim) without ignoring the harm the abuser does.

As with drug addition and alcoholism, this is a social/societal disease probably with too many contributing factors to untangle, with very strong moral issues involved. What we can do is mitigate and manage without forgetting the reason why we care. As JHM said "are we really thinking of the children?", or do we just enjoy getting revenge enough that we're willing to ignore better solutions that we continue to let children get harmed?

jfcaron_ca - 2023-09-12

Somewhat related: I recently watched some athletics videos (hurdles, pole vault, that kind of stuff) on a not-logged-in-to-google firefox window and now it's recommending a bunch of videos like "Women's high jump U18 Utah State Finals" and the thumbnail is a zoomed-in crotch of a teenage girl in the middle of a high jump.

cognitivedissonance - 2023-09-11

Q is doing this thing lately where they're referring to "white hat pedophiles", which is a way of saying "priests, Mormon elders, ministers, and anybody who votes our way."

Because that's what it has always meant, and will always mean for them. The victims are irrelevant, and their needs are unimportant, it's about tagging the Outsider with a word and then applying it whenever possible.

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