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Comment count is 22
cognitivedissonance - 2023-10-04

Treasonous egomaniac!

Nominal - 2023-10-05

That's a lot of desperate effort from Crashtarsmack to convince everyone that all the most regressive GOP policies were in fact the fault of Dianne Feinstein.

By posting a clip of Barret's confirmation, to which she voted "Nay".

glasseye - 2023-10-05

You mean when her staffers voted no for her?

Pillager - 2023-10-05

RBG also deserves credit.

glasseye - 2023-10-05

If hell existed, she'd be burning there along with every other ghoul that wielded power in this crumbling proto-fascist empire.

John Holmes Motherfucker - 2023-10-05

It's a little known fact that Dianne Feinstein ended Roe V Wade by hugging Lindsay Graham.

ashtar. - 2023-10-06

The person in charge of the last line of defense for the rights of millions of women loses that fight, and her reaction is "it's so nice that everyone was polite!"

"It was clear even before the hearings that there was almost nothing outnumbered Democrats could do to prevent the Senate from confirming Barrett. But progressives wanted Democrats — and especially Feinstein — to create fireworks in hopes of casting the GOP’s rapid timeline to seat Barrett as illegitimate, given Republicans’ refusal to let then-President Barack Obama fill a court opening before the 2016 election.

But the California Democrat stayed in character through the four days of hearings, treating Barrett and Republicans politely, making small talk with Barrett about her career as a working mother of seven, and at one point remarking she was “really impressed” with the former law professor’s answer about legalities surrounding the Affordable Care Act. She closed the hearings Thursday by thanking committee Chairman Sen. Lindsey Graham, R-S.C., for how he conducted the process and sharing a hug with him."

https://www.sfchronicle.com/politics/article/Dianne-Feinstein- faces-calls-to-step-aside-after-15651354.php

ashtar. - 2023-10-06

She was worth $69 million dollars. None of her grand-daughters will have to worry about abortion restrictions affecting them.

Democratic party leadership allowed an 87 year old who had been showing clear signs of senility for years to not only remain in a totally safe senate seat, but to chair the judiciary committee for RBG's replacement's confirmation hearing.

The same people have been in charge of the democratic party for a long time. They failed to prevent the end of Roe. They couldn't even muster a display of outrage. They have no plan to guarantee federal abortion rights. They actively oppose things like court packing and eliminating the filibuster that might make that possible.

Establishment Democrats have long abandoned promising that they will do anything other than serve as a speedbump for Republicans. And they can't even deliver on that. They've been losing consistently for 40 years.

If your goal is fighting fascism, your first priority should be putting people who are actually interested and capable of fighting fascism in charge of the Democratic party.

Crackersmack - 2023-10-06

imagine having so much money and so few days left on earth and choosing to spend them as a senator

John Holmes Motherfucker - 2023-10-06

It makes sense that the most belligerent people in here are mad at an old dead lady for not being belligerent enough. The could be some good faith criticism to be made about this, but this isn't good faith criticism, it's not criticism at all. it's getting emotional over trivialities.

ashtar. - 2023-10-07

Establishment democrats have been objectively terrible at opposing the right or getting any progressive goals accomplished. This is a matter of public record. You're trying to change the subject.

ashtar. - 2023-10-07

iTs NoT gOoD fAiTh
seems to be a general purpose excuse to ignore anything you don't like

Nominal - 2023-10-05

and of course the usual right wing shitbag posters come out to 5 star this.

The same people who thought posting 10 yea old isolated sound bites from Clinton and Harris would convince you to vote for Trump.

"This clip proves Feinstein criminalized abortion" is even stupider though. Stupid even for them.

Crackersmack - 2023-10-05

hey buddy which political party was in full control of the federal legislature when Roe v Wade was overturned?

ashtar. - 2023-10-05

“This has been one of the best set of hearings that I’ve participated in” - Sen. Feinstein.

One of the reasons that fascism is inevitable in America is that this is exactly how hard the Democrats are willing to fight against fascism.

cognitivedissonance - 2023-10-06

If all possible answers result in “We must elect Trump!”, any argument made is unnecessary and is simply to be ignored.

glasseye - 2023-10-06

Right wing lmao

I'm a communist you fucking capitalist pig

glasseye - 2023-10-06

Which party squandered a trifecta + supermajority in the senate + a president that LITERALLY PROMISED to enshrine Roe v Wade in federal law on day one in 2008 again?

ashtar. - 2023-10-06

The left: "I wish the democrats were an effective opposition to Trump and fascism."

Shitlibs: "Why do you love Trump and fascism?"

John Holmes Motherfucker - 2023-10-06

The left: "I sure do wish that the Democrats were an effective opposition to Trump and fascism. I know how to really make a difference. I'm going post this picture of two old senators hugging all over twitter and reddit. Time to FIGHT THE POWER by trolling the people who are on my side of the issue,

glasseye - 2023-10-14

Libs are not on our side, John.

Binro the Heretic - 2023-10-05

Rot in Hell, you old hag.

If they won't let us have age limits, then we need term limits.

I hope McConnell is next to go.

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