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Comment count is 13
duck&cover - 2023-11-03

Reminds me of Jerryboree,

Sludge Vohaul - 2023-11-03

As someone who spends an unhealthy amount of time reading the archives I always wonder why some of the more prolific posters just suddenly stop.

Where indeed are EvilHomer, Infinite Zest, meme, baleen, StanleyPain et al?

Do they still lurk here? Was there a thread that broke their back? Did they have some IRL thing that took precedence over posting? Did they die?

Who the hell is even still here? Most posts average 100-200 views so either y'all watch stuff multiple times or there's a quiet subset watching, judging...

simon666 - 2023-11-03

I've wondered the same thing. There was a facebook group that was started years back when the site went down as a way to keep in contact. I never joined the group so that might be a place to look.

casualcollapse - 2023-11-03

"that guy" was broken by the macho man randy savage Star Wars post

Father Avalanche - 2023-11-04

I remembered that I joined that group years ago. I hate facebook, but I logged in and made a little post. Not sure if anyone even still checks it, but who knows?

jfcaron_ca - 2023-11-04

I'm here and I post videos and vote, but I rarely post comments anymore because most of them degenerate into American politics and it's not fun.

ashtar. - 2023-11-04

I assume bots account for a lot of views.

I also miss people. It can be kind of sad to go through the archives some times. I've considered posting on the FB group like "hey come back" but I don't know if anyone is on FB anymore either.

Juice Eggs McKenna - 2023-11-05

Didn't EH get banned for Dinosaur Hypothesis denial or something?

ashtar. - 2023-11-05

He got upset because bawbag and others were making a big deal about using a script to block him.

Boxhead - 2023-11-06

In the end, we were the PoE exhibits all along.

casualcollapse - 2023-11-13

Check the irc

Father Avalanche - 2023-11-16

thats still a thing? how do i get back there?

kingofthenothing - 2023-11-13

This is fucking good. It just gets better and better.

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