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Comment count is 11
Quad9Damage - 2023-11-27

I used to have this playing on endless repeat. Good times. Yeah, a lot of the Nerd is him yelling about pooping and animal pooping at hard games from our youth. But since Atari porn is ridiculous to begin with—before you add in rape and catching jizz from a giant floating dong.

Oh, I apologize. I meant to type, "before you add in....well, let's just say Wild West advances that are not sanctioned." And "catching lines from a large levitating apparatus."

yogarfield - 2023-11-27

I love you FPM, but god damn it, post OC.

Angry Video Nerd is boring and unfunny. Always has been.

Jeriko-1 - 2023-11-27

Eh, the Nerd's reaction to 'Crazy Bus' was amusing. But I mean yeah, that's not a great batting average. That and the Nerd of all people did not mention the urban legend about 'Jaws' for NES when that would have been a meta moment.

Said legend was that when Jaws was nearing completion a programmer voiced their concern to a superior that the thing stank. Said superior allegedly assured the programmer that 'I could shit in those boxes and we'd still pull a profit due to licensing.'

Cena_mark - 2023-11-27

The Nerd is a legend. He invented being funny on youtube. He's still brilliant and Rex Viper rocks!

yogarfield - 2023-11-28

Eh, if you like him, like him.

Always came across as a tryhard, and his jokes and shtick always fall flat for me. One of my friends would always put on AVGN or Pewdiepie when she made dinner, so I've been subjected to hours and hours of both of them. I can honestly say I never laughed once, just played polite.

Cena_mark - 2023-11-28

Your opinion is a shit load of fuck. I'd rather eat the testicles of a capybara that had been run over by a sewage truck than listen to you insult James Rolfe.

yogarfield - 2023-12-01

That was.. quite the pantyfest for me simply saying he was uninteresting. I even had to Google the name, lol.

I always thought you to be pretty level headed, but you went full Coastie there.

Nominal - 2023-11-27

What's the opposite of rose colored glasses?

That's what it's like saying AVGN was "never" funny. The guy basically pioneered the vlogging format as we know it. He was there at the dawn of Youtube. What can you compare him to in 2005 where he was boring by comparison?

Did the material age well? It's definitely been surpassed. But there's still an earnest sense of wanting to have fun and be creative there. His talent for expressions is still better than most Youtubers. While his stuff has definitely lacked effort in recent years, he never became the clickbait Let's Play reaction streamer that makes up 95% of the current generation of content creators.

I'll take even modern James Rolfe any day over Fred, Markiplier, Ninja, xQc, or any of their hundreds of imitators.

Nominal - 2023-11-27

Also, remember how in the mid to late 00s, we here were baffled by all the Japanese TV clips with the host reaction boxes in the corner? "Why do the Japanese enjoy watching people watch TV?"

Now that's the entirety of Youtube =(

Anaxagoras - 2023-11-28

Well, the guy never made me even smile, so he literally was never funny to me.

Still, as yogarfield said above, if you like him, go nuts. I'm glad he worked for somebody.

Quad9Damage - 2023-11-29

The Nerd is responsible, for better or worse, of ushering in that whole era of "mad at thing!" YouTubers. This led to groups like Channel Awesome, of which the quality varied greatly and ultimately ended in collapse. But one could argue that Channel Awesome also led to the rise of the RedLetterMedia guys, which I still like watching. There are a lot of personalities out there—for better or worse—that might not be there if not for the Nerd.

It's not the Nerd's fault that some of those people were cringe to watch, or that YouTube was oversaturated with fake raging and cursing folks. People saw something they liked and thought they could do it, too. Nevertheless, the Nerd has the honor of being the first one to do it, and he started a chain reaction. One also has to respect that he set it off by accident. He got an idea to put on a costume for a video and talk about how an old game made him mad, and it caught fire.

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