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Comment count is 15
Crackersmack - 2023-12-01

Russia is some backwards hellhole where the cops can murder people at will because they are literally above the law, land is so expensive that you can only own it if you inherit it, all of the nation's considerable resources are spent on a huge military and police force while every other need is neglected, poor people people have basically no access to healthcare or education, and they have to work in tedious menial jobs every day of their miserable lives for barely-subsistence pay. Not like America.

teethsalad - 2023-12-01

Russia is some backwards hellhole where the cops can murder people at will because they are literally above the law
- didnt a video about derick chauvin getting attacked in jail give all you guys a boner a couple days ago? How'd he get there chachie?

land is so expensive that you can only own it if you inherit it
- you can still buy acres of land in the flyover for fairly reasonable prices but dont let me stop the pity party

all of the nation's considerable resources are spent on a huge military and police force
- all? Every fucking penny? You know words mean things right

while every other need is neglected
- every? Again, words mean things

poor people people have basically no access to healthcare or education
- healthcare? Sure, i'll give ya that one - but no access to education? C'mon

and they have to work in tedious menial jobs every day of their miserable lives for barely-subsistence pay
- people have had to do shit they didn't want to to survive in every society since the beginning of time you fucking drama queen. Grow the fuck up already

SolRo - 2023-12-01

Heard it here first folks, no more racist cops killing people after chauvin got jailed! Hallelujah!

Crackersmack - 2023-12-01

lol gonna have to get a lot better at the smug liberal "actually everything is great" gimmick if you want to have any chance of dragging your moribund political party across the finish line next year. gonna be fun to watch

Cena_mark - 2023-12-01

Im sure Russians can also buy land in undesirable areas.

glasseye - 2023-12-02

Imagine being so infested with neo-liberal brainworms that you defend this crumbling capitalist-imperialist empire.

Mr. Purple Cat Esq. - 2023-12-01

This was hard to watch. Sickening. George Orwell's 1984 was based on Stalinism, he just wrote about a more idealised form of it. It seems Putin is bring Stalinism back to Russia with similar slogans to "War is Peace", "Freedom is Slavery", "Ignorance is Strength".

Getting people to deny reality and fervently state the opposite of what is clearly true is a common feature of cults and religions also.

SolRo - 2023-12-01

Westerners have the worlds best blinders to their own shit while acting like everyone else is strange

Maggot Brain - 2023-12-01


Buuut… it’s hard to imagine ignore the fact that modern Russia is invoking a progressive past to means to a conservative future.

Eh- as the saying goes “one is not the magistrate of a other man’s castle.”

SolRo - 2023-12-01

I’m not dismissing russias militarism but hearing (afaik) an American pearl clutching so hard about it is just funny/sad

Anyhow, support the troops, buy more guns and wrap yourself in the flag! Amen!

Crackersmack - 2023-12-01

America did that.

casualcollapse - 2023-12-01

purps is from Ireland, checkmate atheists

ashtar. - 2023-12-01

Guys, guys, let's not fight. We can BOTH be dystopian hell countries.

SolRo - 2023-12-01

The Irish are always one economic downturn away from starting to murder each other over what flavor of xtian is better

cognitivedissonance - 2023-12-01

Maybe the problem wasn't religion, it was just having bad religions as the options.

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