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Desc:Seriously, this is one of the best pop songs of the last decade, hands down.
Category:Music Videos
Tags:space whore flight attendant, lasers do not work that way, larger budget than most bollywood films
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Resubmit:Dinky Patterson

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Comment count is 32
KnowFuture - 2007-07-09

I come to PoeTV to get away from shit like this.

dueserpenti - 2007-07-09

Yeah, those sheeple with their hot blondes and their infectious pop music. I'll stick to fat nerds from Hungary lip synching to TMBG, thank you very much.

karl hungus - 2007-07-09

no, you come to poetv to meet dudes you can blow. quit frontin, it ain't pretty.

Eroticus E - 2007-07-09

Whatever. The beat's good, the hook is catchy, and the video is ridiculous. Good idiotic fun. Get over yourself.

KnowFuture - 2007-07-10

Fine, fine, FINE.

Britney Spears: 9,000,000 Me: zero.


Cleaner82 - 2008-09-03

Also, you smell. I'm sure of it.

halon - 2007-07-09

How is this so good? Even if it sucked, this would get 5 stars for the first tag alone.

Billings - 2007-07-09

The beat is pretty good and there are some nice little hooks, but one of the best of the past decade? Come on, it's not even close to catchy enough.

longwinded - 2007-07-09

I hate myself for liking this song.

Hooper_X - 2007-07-09

I don't! This is a nice little piece of disposable pop. Good hook, good beat, overly-elaborate video, etc.

fluffy - 2007-07-09

Musically it's actually pretty solid, and has a lot of traditional Baroque-style thematic structure. The lyrics are totally vapid, of course, but that only adds to the appeal.

Shion - 2007-07-09

Way too much stuff going on in that movie. Give Missy Elliot some meth and get this.

But, you do know if you do that thing to your boobs it turns up the volume?

Namor - 2007-07-09

If you couldn't enjoy this video it's probably a sign you need to lighten up/take yourself less seriously/lose the monocle.

Hooker - 2007-07-09

Lose the monocle? You motherfucker.

I always found Britney's songs really easy to watch, but she wasn't terribly hot in this one? Three stars.

fluffy - 2007-07-09

Man, I've submitted this like 3 times and it was rejected very time. So unfair, for such an awesome song.

Could someone with autopost capability please submit the Fork a capella cover too? That one keeps getting rejected as well. You tasteless bastards.

fluffy - 2007-07-10

Oh yeah also I did a cover of it a few months back. http://sockpuppet.us/songs/mysterysong.mp3

Tuan Jim - 2009-01-25

5 for the cover.

"Doooo youuu feeeeeeel meeee nooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooow!"

Seriously, it's perfect with you singing.

Fuck Britney, you should be America's rehabilitated pop queen.

Derrida - 2007-07-09

The Local H cover is a whole lot better.

Gianni - 2007-07-09

The first half of this video is indelible, and the entire song is perfect. Making apologies and calling it "disposable" show weakness and foolishness like supposedly the rest of your favorite music is on the eternal playlist of the gods.

Pandatronic - 2007-07-09

I personally don't care for it, but I can acknowledge its strengths.

Bebido - 2007-07-09

What was Britney thinking?

Calamity Jon - 2007-07-09

Definitely Spears' strongest pop song, and a contender for best pop song of the, say, three or four years surrounding it, if not "of the decade."

And the video is nertz.

mr666 - 2007-07-09


Ialdabaoth - 2007-07-09

I will never apologize for liking this.

EvilHomer - 2007-07-09

5 stars for the poeTV comments alone!

It's much better than Britney's usual stuff, and who the hell can argue with space whore flight attendants? I know, I know, it's not MANOWAR, but you haters will just have to deal.

Aubrey McFate - 2007-07-10

This place picks weird things to have strong opinions about.

Rodents of Unusual Size - 2007-07-10

Yeah, you said it. This was okay, but nothing to brag about or even diss. It was ordinary and uninspired, but not horrible.

doc duodenum - 2007-07-10

Alright I am convinced. Jesus.

Exegesis_Saves - 2007-07-12

Ah dude, four strength four stam leather belt?! AHHHH!!!

onemorepanic - 2007-08-07

Whoever produced this album should be shot in the face.
You made an idiot sound like a goddess*.
And I heart you for crashing that plane into my television set.

*she's hot bald

onemorepanic - 2007-08-07

space whore flight attendant

glasseye - 2007-09-04

Ugh, no.

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