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Comment count is 7
Mr. Purple Cat Esq. - 2024-04-25

The movie seems to have been some kind of scam, like a more recent Adam Sandler produced movie

Binro the Heretic - 2024-04-25

While nothing is as horrible as drugging and raping women, he did some really foul shit to his fans, too.

I don't know if younger people can appreciate what a huge part of Gen-Xers lives Bill Cosby was. I watched "Fat Albert and the Cosby Kids" every Saturday morning. I watched "I Spy" in syndication after school. My parents owned some of his comedy albums on vinyl and I would listen to them with my friends.

In the 1980s, his comedy concert "Bill Cosby: Himself" was released on VHS. From that, we got "The Cosby Show." Again, I don't know if younger people can appreciate the comfort family sitcoms gave us back in the 1980s & 1990s. And "The Cosby Show" was an excellent example of the genre.

Then the truth started coming out. All those hours of joy Bill Cosby gave us have become toxic. To this day, I'll occasionally recall one of his jokes. I can remember laughing at it, but I can't laugh at it anymore.

Quad9Damage - 2024-04-26

A full Fat Albert episode recently appeared in my recommends. I'd never sat through one before. It is weird, in light of everything that went down, hearing Cosby do the majority of the voices. He was not the most versatile VA; you can easily tell whenever it's him without having to listen close. Even weirder is Cosby talking through the titular character, who is the voice of reason and delivers the sage advice. Then cut to live action Cosby every five minutes going, "welll, let's reflect on the moral, daaah."

The central message of the leaked Hannibal Buress bit is, "I cannot listen to anything you say ever again."

Maggot Brain - 2024-04-25

Wtf? The guy reading the Cosby facts is now a British lord? How much coke did he have to sell to get that peerage from the queen?

duck&cover - 2024-04-26

Famous bottler of Coca-Cola, famous rapist of women. Hey, hey, hey!

Sludge Vohaul - 2024-04-26

The corner store I worked at through high school got these tapes all the time and my boss couldn't be assed to watch them so he'd send them home with us to come back with opinions about what he should spend on because those porsche displays weren't free, nor was the space.

I don't think I ever saw this one but I loved watching old men in suits discussing market share potential from a fucking standee and why you, the lowly store owner, should shell out for it.

betamaxed - 2024-04-26

Make sure to remember your cosby facts, kids. This will be on the test at the end of the quarter.

This video is an amazing artifact of insanity. The bizzaro almost cult like presentation from the highest echelon of corporate hegemony all centered around a famously horrendous example of failure in commercial art.

Bonus points for the tie in with the obscure VHS based gaming console, the Action Max.

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