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Comment count is 7
StanleyPain - 2007-07-14

Saw this when I was a kid....it's based on the "White Mountains" books by John Christopher which I actually read, believe it or not, when they were serialized in Boys Life. (my brother was an eagle Scout)
Unfortunately, this series ended before the whole storyline was complete.

Jingoro - 2007-07-14

I also read them in Boys Life. I am an the Eagle scout tho.

Jingoro - 2007-07-14

Also the cat is biting me so I cannot type too well.

Rodents of Unusual Size - 2007-07-15

I read the entire series. There were three books, and it was basically post apocalyptic "We've got to kill the green aliens because our parents all wear brainwashing devices and they took away electricity!" themed. Actually those books were pretty cool.

baleen - 2007-07-14

Yes I began watching the show without knowing the trilogy was incomplete. I was pretty damn pissed. What? You mean I've been watching this whole thing so that an impresario can rub his beard? The parts in season 2 with the alien city are pretty damn cool in a Tron way, and the show is worth watching despite never being resolved. It'd be great if they released the 3rd series as a film, Firefly style.

Rodents of Unusual Size - 2007-07-15

SPOILERS: In the third book the kids basically coordinate the rebellion worldwide ala Independence Day and bomb the shit out of the alien cities. From what I remember there's a really cool scene where the main kid kills his alien master (unless that was book 2). Also they shatter the domes so they can't breathe...and then the rebuilding process begins so they can use electricity again. Once again the day is saved...with lots of dynamite.

yoyo1 - 2007-07-15

As usual with British TV shows this looks great.

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