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And please consider not blocking ads here. They help pay for the server. Pennies at a time. Literally.

Comment count is 7
Afgh - 2007-07-15

These are the most ill-conceived advertisements ever.


Herr Matthias - 2007-07-15


Maybe they could get Mike Haggar to do endorsements.

revdrew - 2007-07-15

I thought that, but I wouldn't want Mike Haggar's good, crime fighting name besmirched by such crappy product. Maybe if they were selling suspenders?

Hooper_X - 2007-07-15

I dunno about you, but MY cheap, off-the-rack suit gets me frequent and regular entrance into the vaginas of my choice.

Portaxx - 2007-07-15

The fact that the ladies' dialogue includes "I'm sweatin' like a pig and I love it" proves that nothing even remotely close to this has actually happened to these guys.

Caminante Nocturno - 2007-07-15

This certainly isn't making me want to buy your shitty suits, but at least you reminded me of the old joke "His slacks are Haggar, and they're horrible."

klingerbgoode - 2009-11-16

"My friend is not your sexual plaything!"

No, no he's really not.

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