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Comment count is 15
Merzbau - 2007-07-16


Tyfus - 2007-07-16

Is this a test?

Stog - 2007-07-16

I always think of kittens as tests to see if a person is dead inside

baleen - 2007-07-16

ok what if I like other things like wombats and sloths? maybe i'm just slightly dead.

Derrida - 2007-07-16

You reach down and put the kitten in a drawer, Typhus. The kitten tries to escape the drawer, but it can't. Not without your help. But you're not helping. Why is that, Typhus?

Tyfus - 2007-07-16

Because they can't spell my name right? Stupid kittens, learn to read! 5 stars for confusing our kittens!

Derrida - 2007-07-17


Hooper_X - 2007-07-16

hahaha, i can see one of my cats from where i'm sitting and he was vaguely upset by this clip.

Cube - 2007-07-16

I can see them on the screen, but there's nothing behind the monitor! Or under the keyboard! When will the madness end!

voodoo_pork - 2007-07-16

You know, beneath our cold and cynical exteriors, we all just want to watch stuff like this forever.

tamago - 2007-07-16

Five stars for "fat confused calico." Too bad "This is so meta" wasn't used though.

fluffy - 2007-07-17


Caminante Nocturno - 2007-07-17

Oh my God, those are kittens. Someone should tell them that they're kittens.

Mormolyke - 2007-07-20

This also confused my fat calico. She could not break through her fatness to go look for the kittens, though.

Merzbau - 2007-09-18

The meow at -0:10 is possibly the cutest thing ever recorded on video.

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