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Comment count is 11
NineEleven - 2007-07-26

I love social situations like this

Senator_Unger - 2007-07-26

He reminds me of the Indian guy from "The 40 Year Old Virgin."

FABIO2 - 2007-12-15

You mean every "wacky" minority movie character ever?

Stopheles - 2007-07-26

Aw, we really ARE exporting American values to the Middle East...

mr666 - 2007-07-26

Yes, because we know that racism certainly didn't exist in the Middle East before we arrived.

Frank Rizzo - 2007-07-26


WHITE POWER................ no black power...

j lzrd / swift idiot - 2008-06-13

Messopotamians hate them some Jews and Africans though.

Paracelsus - 2010-02-02


Xiphias - 2007-07-26



j lzrd / swift idiot - 2007-09-14

Oh man, this is what I didn't join the Army for. Then again, maybe if I'd been there they'd be all like, "MAZRIO BROZAHS!"

j lzrd / swift idiot - 2008-06-13

I coulda been a goddamn artillary spotter or some such junk, so much as what the recruiters where I took the ASVAB said.

That test was ridiculous. I felt disheartened that I actally only got a 97. Then seeing someone get 78 made me feel better.

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