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Comment count is 5
Hooker - 2007-07-26

By the way, I should point out for posterity that this is missing vastly less context than you would expect.

baleen - 2007-07-26

It's a sequence (two internal scenes and one external scene from a single source), not a montage. I was really hoping there would be some death or trolls or something.

Hooker - 2007-07-26

Assuming we're both talking about the same thing, the title of the submission is "Troll 2 Montage," so correct or not, I figured that was the best way of describing it.

Xiphias - 2007-07-26

Well, the thing about Troll 2 is that there are no trolls in Troll 2.

kingarthur - 2007-07-26

Nilbog is goblin backwards, dude. (huffing noise) Totally.
Also, Johnette Napolitano seems to have had limited options post break-up of Concrete Blonde.

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