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Gerhard - 2007-07-27

Best European sword fight choreography ever.

FeeFiFoFoTheFifeFifeBrown - 2007-07-27

It is great, although I don't buy the finale. No reason at all the fey dude couldn't just yank the his sword free and escape.

Jimmy Labatt - 2007-07-28

I think it was because he was just too stunned. Also, you cannot pretend to know the grip of Rob Roy it is probably MASSIVE

jhudsui - 2007-07-28

Yeah, finale aside though, this is hands down the most accurate sword fight choreography in a Hollywood movie ever. I would say it is a shame this movie came out the same year as Braveheart but really the same is that Braveheart ever existed.

glasseye - 2007-07-28

Uh, no. The swordfighting is pure fantasy stage combat. Those stupid spinning cuts would get you slaughtered against anyone with half a clue. Hollywood loves them for some reason.

Regardless, it's a great scene.

FeeFiFoFoTheFifeFifeBrown - 2007-07-28

Hey, I only said it was great. As in "great to watch."

I'm no swordbeard, of all goddamn things.

Jimmy Labatt - 2007-07-28

Yes, but I think the point of the scene is that Rob Roy was trying to present the illusion that he didn't HAVE half a clue (he knew he was a mere peasant in the eyes of his opponent) so he could deliver that one, crushing blow. He couldn't beat him skill-wise so he bluffed the hell out of him. Scottish defense and all that.

drcrypt - 2007-07-28

I don't think that's what going on at all. Rob Roy isn't employing a strategy: he's honestly being destroyed. But the point of the scene is that he's got the greater will.

Best sword fight in cinema, as far as I'm concerned, for the ending alone, plausible or not.

Gerhard - 2007-07-28

Oh, yeah, I accept it is not terribly accurate but given the standards for this sort of thing it is the best attempt in film.

Honestly, a seriously accurate, European, sword on sword fight would never make it into a major Hollywood film (or even a minor one) as it would lack all the flash and drama directors insist on.

The best thing here is that the look like they are actually TRYING to hit each other rather than each others swords.

I'm sorry I am a swordbeard but at least I'm not fat.

jhudsui - 2007-07-28

glass yeah I was posting from memory before watching it, you're right, it is not anywhere near as accurate as I remember it being. It's still way above average for a Hollywood arrangement though - they get fatigued, pause for breaks, feint and try to fake each other out, etc. Still a great scene.

ztc - 2007-07-28

In movies, the dirty guy always wins.

Camonk - 2007-08-16

Realistic or not, everyone is forced to admit that is the absolute most badass way possible to reverse a losing sword fight. Hands down. Also, anything from this movie gets five stars for the whole thing being dirty and gritty, like the sword fight there.

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