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drcrypt - 2007-07-28

The first two were just classics. What the christ happened in the third one?

garcet71283 - 2007-07-28

First was a classic...the second needed more cat.

Sean Robinson - 2007-07-28

According to contemporary accounts, Snipes spent the entire time during the filming in Vancouver completely baked and refused to leave his trailer most days. He only referred to Ryan Reynolds as 'cracker' and Jessica Biel as 'that white bitch.'

Apparently, the majority of the scenes where Blade is on screen, it is actually the stunt double. Snipes also refused to take his sunglasses off because his eyes were so red.

You can also add the fact that Natasha Lyonne was an unredeemable junkie and was just about falling apart.

Jimmy Labatt - 2007-07-28

Yeah Sean, I read that sotry on hollywoodbitchslap.com I think. Hilarious but also kinda sad.

Jimmy Labatt - 2007-07-28

I think Snipes threw his big hissy-fit on the set primarily because he butted heads with David S. Goyer over the script (Hell wouldn't you?). Also, he didn't want Goyer to direct; he made that clear before the movie was even in pre-production.

Also, Snipes is kind of an asshole.

glasseye - 2007-07-28

-1 for stupid sword moves

Jimmy Labatt - 2007-07-28

This is based on a comic book you realize

glasseye - 2007-07-28

Oh, I'm well aware of that.

EvilHomer - 2007-07-28

I still have dreams about this scene. Loses a point for starting too late and skipping the whole Blood Bath part.

Jimmy Labatt - 2007-07-28

Funny thing about that one; I really wanted to include the bloodbath part, and there IS one on there, but the video quality was utter shit. Unfortunate.

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