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Desc:Wherein the writers stop caring and take the Samurai Pizza Cats approach to "translating".
Category:Cartoons & Animation, Humor
Tags:trap cards, dueling strategies, purple hair, chazz it up
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Comment count is 7
fourthguy - 2007-07-28

I, too, think rhyming is funny.

EvilHomer - 2007-07-28

I was going to one star this until that last line. Classic!

Pandatronic - 2007-07-28

There was a short-lived Yu-Gi-Oh knockoff called Duel Masters on Cartoon Network once. I mention this because every episode was like this clip, only better. I should probably look for some clips to submit.

Xenocide - 2007-07-28

He's really good at card games.

Five stars for the writers recognizing how awful this show is.

fluffy - 2007-07-29

Why do those girls in the middle have boy voices?

Ranma X. - 2008-04-22

The last exchange sounds like it was written by someone who lives in a shitty apartment in Inglewood with a meth addict for a roommate and it was either finish the script or going to sleep in an unlit gas oven and this just barely edged it out.

RandomFerret - 2008-06-23

Fuck. Do I have to actually start watching this show now?

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