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Desc:This kind of thing is why I hate youtube. Comic geeks think they're clever, are not. Sadness ensues
Category:Educational, Trailers
Tags:nerds, getting myself 1starred as an object lesson, the true purpose of youtube is bitching about comi, I DO THIS FOR YOU POETV I DO IT ALL FOR
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Comment count is 12
Hooper_X - 2007-08-14

the girl isn't even that hot and i'm assuming she's supposed to be the main attraction here. also what kind of assholes put "commercials" in their youtube clips for their other fucking stupid "shows" which appear to be three fucking beardoes sitting at a table talking about how gay comics are? i have livejournal to do that for me, without having to hear any nasal-ass basementdweller voices.


Testicles of Doom - 2007-08-14

She is probably the hottest, and/or only, girl they know.

Screwtape - 2007-08-14

"you wouldn't have Ninja Turtles without Elektra, you wouldn't have Samurai Jack without Ronin"

These are selling points?

EvilHomer - 2007-08-14

Yes, yes they are.

One star for being boring, but "I HAD SEX WITH WOMEN" makes it a three.

FABIO2 - 2007-08-14

I don't get the point to the suicide submitting. This isn't even interesting in a bland way.

TinManic - 2007-08-14

if you like comics this show would be okay. i never really got into them when i was a kid but i can appreciate them now.

mouser - 2007-08-14

+4 stars because *I* finder her hot.
-4 stars because the subject bores me
+1 star for montage
-2 stars for overall cheeziness
+5 stars for me not taking the proper count
er... I'll just give it 1.

mouser - 2007-08-14

"finder"?! Shit. I work too much.

Xenocide - 2007-08-14

Actually, you could have the modern Batman without Dark Knight, as he'd been around for ten damned years when that book came out.

Also: Commercials on Youtube? Fuck that.

kthorjensen - 2007-08-14

Girls don't know shit about comics.

fluffy - 2008-03-28

She sounds like she's trying to be Raven from Teen Titans or something.

Harveyjames - 2014-04-24

Five stars because this site is about shitty, awful things.

I really hope people wake up to how terrible Frank Miller is one day. He's Mickey Spillane with brain damage.

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