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Desc:BillO samples a crazy left-wing talk show host to rebut, then gets called on it,
Category:News & Politics
Tags:Bill OReilly, lynn samuels, laura schwartz, ellis henican
Submitted:Ow Switch
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Comment count is 22
Aelric - 2007-08-17

i've seen enough o'reilly to have seen him at both his most embarrassing and his most smug. what i've never seen is a self-inflicted ambush by putting not one but two intelligent folks on his show at once. the usual producer must have called in sick.

joyofdiscord - 2007-08-17

Every time Bill O'Reilly says "far left," an angel gets its wings.

DMKA - 2007-08-17

Notice from 05:19 to 04:24 it says "Ellis Henican: Fox News Contributor" but then at 03:36 and on it says "Ellis Henican: Newsday Columnist".

jrr - 2007-08-17


Oh, wait:


Stopheles - 2007-08-17

So, um, what are you trying to illustrate with that Wikipedia link, JRR? That Henican has worked for Fox News and Bloomberg Media?

Stopheles - 2007-08-17

Ah, now I read DMKA's comment. Still, the switch in the caption does seem pointed, and certainly a case can be made for that when the network lists Republicans as Democrats if they do something the channel disagrees with.

Screwtape - 2007-08-18

Wow, that guy was the voice of Stormy on Sealab 2021.

IrishWhiskey - 2008-08-18

If Stormy winning a debate with O'Reilly doesn't deserve five stars, I don't know what does.

kingarthur - 2007-08-17

Even Bill O'Reilly must cede arrogant, smug, and lunatic territory to the idiocy of Michael Savage.

Caminante Nocturno - 2007-08-17

So, how often does it dawn of Bill that he's going to die alone and unloved?

coprolalia - 2007-08-17

We wish.

fluffy - 2007-08-17

Gets several stars for O'Reilly admitting to being wrong. Falls short because he didn't learn a lesson from it.

Xenocide - 2007-08-18

He did learn a lesson: "don't let smart people who disagree with me on the show."

PegLegPete - 2007-08-17

Oh my God it almost became a real intelligent debate towards the end. Best thing I've ever seen on Fox News; Bill really is a pathetic pundit who's ideology's can be easily reduced to nothing in the face of intelligence. Score one for reason and critical thought.

ebola - 2007-08-17


Lindner - 2007-08-18

... that's Stormy Waters? Holy crap.

IrishWhiskey - 2007-08-18

I hope someone was fired for this screwup. Bill isn't supposed to debate intelligent people who disagree. And why weren't their mikes cut?

Konversekid - 2007-08-18

Putting any intelligent democrat in the same room as Bill O' Reilly is a cheap shot!

Maxville - 2007-08-18


FISTFULLofSOUL - 2007-08-18


afp3683 - 2008-05-12

oh well, even the best comedians bomb on stage once in a while.

Cleaner82 - 2008-08-22

They were on the cusp of something beautiful there but unsurprisingly O'Reilly turned it away. He knows where his bread's buttered.

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