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Comment count is 27
Syd Midnight - 2007-08-17

About 5:30 in is when it's best. But it's all good.

joyofdiscord - 2007-08-17

It just gets better and better.

Urburos - 2007-08-17

"...saying that they will suck a **** up, until they hiccup, for a fee... or just a--look-- a piece a bread or a sandwich or somethin'."

Give this woman a mid-morning special already.

Stupid Lisa Garbage Face - 2007-08-17

Finally someone exposes the real reason for senior incontinence.

boba. - 2007-08-17

the best BY FAR is the -2:00 where she starts talking about the reason old people wear diapers is because they have distended assholes and rectums from anal sex. then she keeps going on about it and it cuts off suddenly, like it's a joke or something

uekibachi - 2007-08-17

i love her mother/co-host. she hardly ever says anything but when she does, it's hilarious.


Benzene265 - 2007-08-17

Apparently, gay sex not only causes incontinence, but also cures nicotine addiction and arthritis.

Meerkat - 2007-08-17

Methinks the lady doth protest too much. ABOUT COCKS ALL UP IN THEY ASS

Princess v2.1 - 2007-08-18

Give this lady her own HBO show already

nubilus - 2007-08-18

I love these woman...+5 fo keepin it real

Xenocide - 2007-08-18

Mom looks so proud throughout all of this.


DMKA - 2007-08-18

I would watch Lifetime if she was on it.

Jeff Fries - 2007-08-18

The internet has an Oprah, only she don't take dick up the ass.

Sudan no1 - 2007-08-18

Everybody takin' dicks up the aynuss

Screwtape - 2007-08-18

Suck a dick up, till they hicc-up.

Best Spike Lee Joint ever.

Rodents of Unusual Size - 2007-08-18

It was the mouth gestures as she was describing guys with giant warts on they faces that did it for me. As an aside, I was once on a long bus trip listening to two women who talked just like this. I opted to listen to them instead of my CD player, it was so much better.

garcet71283 - 2007-08-18

5 stars for suggesting that crippled/wheelchair bound people just can walk because they gotz dickz all ups thier azz.

TimbolinoBilchard - 2007-08-18

Suck a dick up until they hiccup?

This lady is clearly the Maya Angelou of her generation.

midgetrampage - 2007-08-18

"dey are out rashinin outta dick anda nutz, rashinin outta thoat.." this lady is amazing

Thatcher Pennywhistle - 2007-08-18

When I realized that the fat woman was her mom this became x1000.

Lothar - 2007-08-18

They'll do it for "a fee" or for free?

love - 2007-08-19

I feel very bad for those trying to compete with the white girls and gay boys by taking it in the butt :(

quining - 2007-09-24


Repomancer - 2007-09-24

Dey take yards an' yards of dick up dey ASS.

Valvados - 2007-09-27

Apparently now I have diapers to look forward to when I'm 60.

You know, since I'm gay. And my ass is gonna fall out.

yoyo1 - 2007-10-05

Knowing that the other woman is her mother makes the other video so much more awkward to watch.

Big Muddy - 2007-10-06

So next time you see one of these young black boys up in the Crystal wif they snak, acks em how much dick they be suckin.

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