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Comment count is 10
OldScratch - 2007-08-21

While watching the beginning I was preparing all sorts of snide comments. Then, from :49 I began screaming like a girl, and reliving those moments from my childhood when my parents took me to see Bergman's 'Fanny and Alexander', and the giant, fat woman caught fire and attacked the evil stepfather. Five stars.

Scynne - 2007-08-21

Just tea for me, thank you.

Westward - 2007-08-21

Holy shit, it's the guy from Turkish Star Wars. Same trampolines and everything.

Menudo con queso - 2007-08-21

That does it, I'm going to find C�neyt Arkın and have his baby. It will be born with tan wrinkles and a bouffant helmet.

longwinded - 2007-08-21

My god, it's... perfect. 6 stars

sosage - 2007-08-21

Godfrey Ho...you've met your match. Excellent in every way!

zatojones - 2007-08-21

Killing hordes of ninjas is easy when you have both a trampoline and a good editor.

Killer Joe - 2007-08-21

The thing at the end was almost scary.

Camonk - 2007-08-21

So exploding him with a rock doesn't kill him, but whalloping him with a stuck does? Man it really does drag there, doesn't it?

RoyCastle - 2007-08-21

5 stars because he thought the move at 2:06 was fatal

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