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Comment count is 7
baleen - 2007-08-31

They're probably thinking to themselves that this isn't their greatest gig. +3.5 stars for "magical hands."

KnowFuture - 2007-08-31

So...the flute is the only thing that grounds him enough to keep his limb spasms to a minimum?

manfred - 2007-08-31

Great song, great album.

OldScratch - 2007-08-31

Wonderful. Plus five for when the dwarf almost crushed the little Stonehenge model.

Lurchi - 2009-10-01

Now that's beard rock. Expiration date: 1976

Syd Midnight - 2009-10-06

I remember reading an old Rolling Stone on microfilm that described Ian Anderson as "a rabid dwarf with diseased eyes and a spittle-flecked beard". I guess back in 1976 they thought Peter Frampton or Elvin Bishop was more awesome than an evil atheist intellectual flute-blasting rabies-infected 14th level dwarf druid.

For comparison they also despised "Physical Graffiti" and Mot�rhead, and thought "Ammonia Avenue" was destined to be a classic album.

Mister Yuck - 2009-10-07

A million stars for the audience.

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