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Comment count is 19
Smellvin - 2007-09-08

I remember the girls on my cross country team in high school liked to sing show tunes while running. Several times I belted this out in order to drown out them.

Yes, I was loved by all in high school.

Eroticus E - 2007-09-09

You sound intense. Want to chat? ASL?

biclops - 2007-09-08

Rob Zombie, the poor man's Al Jourgensen

kingarthur - 2007-09-08


phalsebob - 2007-09-08

Al can kiss my ass.

Jimmy Labatt - 2007-09-08

phalsebob, you're OUT OF LINE.

This is one of the only tunes from his solo effort that I can actually stomach. Loses a star for being overplayed.

OldScratch - 2007-09-08

Did someone say Al Jourgensen? May I direct your attention to a little album from 1983 called 'With Sympathy'?

Jimmy Labatt - 2007-09-08

OldScratch you're OUT OF LINE.

With Sympathy was a terrible, TERRIBLE mistake (even Al himself considers it an 'abortion').

Now I don't want to get into a faggy Al Jourgensen love/hate post hijack, so I will just say that, in my opinion. Ministry eclipses/erases anything else he has ever done and leave it at that.

Stopheles - 2007-09-08

I've always found it kind of bizarre to hear Jourgensen claim that he was pressured by the label into releasing a synthpop album, as if a label would have signed a Big Black ripoff with no intent of having them record with their own sound. As if the label heard some TOTALLY HARDCORE AWESOME INDUSTRIAL demo tape and decided "aha!! THERE is our Human League!!!"

I'm fine with him discovering Big Black and Front Line Assembly and finding a middle ground between the two, but it's embarrassing to hear him try to play it off like he wasn't REALLY responsible for "With Sympathy." Karl Hyde doesn't pretend that he didn't write "Underneath the Radar" with the intent to land some of Depeche Mode's audience...

Princess v2.1 - 2007-09-08


Doctor Arcane - 2007-09-08

To quote OMM
"Now, I'm not a big man. In fact, I'm a small man attached to a big man's penis. But small as I am, even I'm not afraid of Rob Zombie. I guess someone over at Gray Matter confused being dirty with being scary. Believe me, dreadlocks and a sleestack helmet don't make you the Predator."

I do like White Zombie AND Ministry though.

Mike Tyson?! - 2007-09-08

Remember when this song was in EVERY VIDEO GAME that came out for like 5 years?

Stopheles - 2007-09-08

It always struck me as strange as a soundtrack choice for JET GRIND RADIO, what with all the other songs being either dopey, mellow hip hop or manic Japanese pop.

Mike Tyson?! - 2007-09-09

rock that shit homey
shit homey
shit homey
shit homey

dueserpenti - 2007-09-09

Goddamn this song is dumb. +3 for high school nostalgia.

Meatsack Jones - 2007-09-09

5 stars just for it's now obvious, pain causing properties.

Jeriko-1 - 2007-09-09

Meh, I found it catchy then and catchy now.

As much as I try I can't hate Rob Zombie.

mon666ster - 2007-09-10

A song about Herman Munster's car. How can that be anything less than five stars?

phalsebob - 2008-01-18

As it turns out, Marilyn Manson minus all the Emo shit is pretty awesome.

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