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Comment count is 16
Roachbud - 2007-09-08

Metal is gay enough, this Medevil shit slurps cum from Bruce Vallanch's ass with a straw

Jimmy Labatt - 2007-09-08

Jesus if you're gonna diss a Dimmu vid at least spell mideval right. Keep smoking that bud, bud

glasseye - 2007-09-08

It's medieval, dork.

And yes, metal still sucks.

Jimmy Labatt - 2007-09-08

Ah I should've known you'd chime in. Yes I missed the 'I', sue me.

Hey, I know you think metal sucks; everyone here knows you think metal sucks. Your one 'contribution' (other than 1 starring metal vids) is submitting the 'insane fatty' video that I submitted when the site first launched. Good job!

Protip: When you see anything resembling metal, don't watch it.

Jimmy Labatt - 2007-09-08

And yes I used an 'I' instead of an 'E'. I butchered medieval as well. So Roachbud is off the hook.

Jimmy Labatt - 2007-09-08

That might have been a bit harsh.

glasseye, I think you're ok. You had something positive to say about the Rush video I submitted as well as a few others (yes I'm a dork so I actually read the comments), so you aren't simply a troll that one stars stuff on a whim, which is what POETV needs more of.

The metal thing still stands though. I have loved metal since I was a kid and am well aware that it is considered to be retarded by most people (my close friends included). However please be considerate and realize that there are some people on here that actually like metal and would like a 'one-click' place for their videos.

1394 - 2007-09-09

less metal than dani from cradle of filth

glasseye - 2007-09-10

For the first part - making fun of someone for not spelling a word correctly and then misspelling it yourself is pretty hilarious.

For the seond - FWIW, I always watch the whole video before I vote. I only one-star things I think truly suck. I'm sorry our tastes aren't aligned, but that's life. I just don't like metal.

glasseye - 2007-09-10

And regarding my contributions: I've submitted a half dozen or so other videos that didn't make it through the hopper. I didn't see the other copy of the fatty vid I posted (as I indicated in the comments.) Had I found it with my searches, I would have indicated in the description that the previous entry was dead.

Bone_Vulture - 2007-09-08

And who is this Bruce Vallanch guy again?

garcet71283 - 2007-09-08

Just padding the score a bit. Because metal may suck, but it sucks less than half of the crap out there so it has to be worth something. Instead of having shitty lyrics and shitty technique, at least the technique is good. You can't deny that these people can at least play thier respective instruments well.

KnowFuture - 2007-09-09

I don't normally like metal all that much.
This totally works though.
I'm just not sure I know how I feel about the Gay Part at -2:10.

kingofthenothing - 2009-07-13

You feel really gay about it. It's alright.

ABoyNamedCheese - 2007-12-10

Metal is monumental in both success and failure. This is the later.

Its like they learned HOW to be fast but not WHY. Ygh.

OxygenThief - 2008-03-14

Sweet baby jesus this is stupid. More, please.

Chinballs - 2009-03-26

Dimmu Borgir makes pants happy!

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