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Comment count is 17
HURF BLURF DUH - 2007-09-08

Horrendous video quality but does it really deserve any better?

Jimmy Labatt - 2007-09-08

Aw c'mon you are nitpicking now. Just turn down your contrast. Anything less would be a felony.

Knuckles - 2007-09-08

This may seem like the lowest a person can get, but just think: Average Homeboy aspired to be just like this and FAILED.

Princess v2.1 - 2007-09-08

This song is awesome and you fucking know it

oswaldtheluckyrabbit - 2007-09-08

wax a chump like a candle

Ersatz - 2007-09-08

This single sold 15 million copies. That's one for every person in Kazakhstan.

Come to think of it, that's a reasonable explanation of who bought them all.

x - 2007-09-08

Crib notes.

glasseye - 2007-09-09

An awful classic.

Caminante Nocturno - 2007-09-09

Have you ever seen a turtle get down?

Camonk - 2007-09-09

I have a friend who still listens to this song almost entirely unironically. Everybody needs a friend like that.

Afgh - 2007-09-09

His style's like a chemical spill.

baleen - 2007-09-09

I remember when this song came out, I believe I was in 7th grade. All my white friends bought it, and I laughed at them. Six months later, they were all insulting Vanilla Ice as being a poser. After that, I rubbed it in more or less all the time, and they stopped being my friends. They decided to become legit rap fans by buying NWA and Public Enemy records, which I said was actually worse because they were middle class white people and it made to sense to me to idolize black people that didn't like them.

I spent a lot of time in the library by myself, drawing penises and monsters in the margins and talking to an autistic boy named Tony who was obsessed with panthers.

OldScratch - 2007-09-10

Baleen, I take back all the bad stuff I ever said about you. Keep sticking it to The Man! And if that involves drawing penises in the margins, so much the better!

baleen - 2007-09-10


MDCad - 2007-09-10

The only person who would be white enough to cover this song is Enjoy, and I'd gladly contribute to a fund to see this happen.

Aubrey McFate - 2007-09-10

Just Add Ice.

x - 2007-12-28

Bravely rated and reviewed, ryanowens.

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