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Comment count is 11
baleen - 2007-09-11

If you grew up in a black neighborhood then you know this is great.

kiint - 2007-09-12

dude you starred your own sub

Rafiki - 2007-09-11

You know you're just summoning everyone's inner Ignatius Reily, right? That people only watch Family Guy clips to bitch about how much they hate watching Family Guy clips? No good can come from submitting these.

baleen - 2007-09-11

ohhhh ok. I don't watch family guy, so I guess I don't have a Reilletic association with it.

Xiphias - 2007-09-11

Black people!

Caminante Nocturno - 2007-09-11

It's real easy to write a comedy show when you don't have to worry about the comedy.

baleen - 2007-09-11

but it's a statement about how why materialistic people view black people as novelties, so in a sense this is a self-referential ironic post. it's so ironic that you don't even get it, CamiNAZI NocTEREZIN.

HURF BLURF DUH - 2007-09-11

hey baleen. Try a little harder. Seriously, if you just try as hard as you can you might be funny.

baleen - 2007-09-11

I don't like James Taylor or the Boondocks, can we still be friends?

waxeater - 2007-09-11

This is the show that South Park told me wasn't funny, right? Because I laughed, but I don't want to look like an asshole.

Calamity Jon - 2007-09-11

Not my favorite bit of the show, but the DVD commentary track (with the actors who played the dolphins) is just a fuckin' riot.

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