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Comment count is 6
FatFatuousNation - 2007-09-12

*waggle, waggle*

bang to buck ratio - 2007-09-12

A severed leg, a glass of wine... and thou.

cognitivedissonance - 2007-09-12

I suddenly have an urge to watch "The Saddest Music in the World".

boba. - 2007-09-12

this is not as bizarre and trashy as the other one and is more fetishistic in a lame way with all the stump rubbing. still, the home-movie video quality is charming.

Stupid Lisa Garbage Face - 2007-09-12

"She's got leg, she knows how to use it"

For the last third of this video in the water, picture how awesome it would have been if she had drawn a face on her stump.

Colonel Cowlung - 2007-09-12

Based on the description, I was expecting her to stick the bottle in a hole in her leg and open it or walk around on it or something.

That was some pretty sweet rubbing though.

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