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Comment count is 12
Azmo23 - 2007-09-12

I agree. I saw a few one-legged boxers on youtube, but nothing quite this spectacular. Way to ruin everything by being too gotterdamm good at life.

StanleyPain - 2007-09-12

Isn't this Crippled Masters?

Syndjal - 2007-09-12

yes. Yes it is. I remember watching this on Monstervision oh those many years ago. I don't thing Joe Bob Briggs gave his rant for it however. So sad.

SharoKham - 2007-09-12

This is from Crippled Masters, and the lead actors aren't amputees but prenatal Thalidomide victims (if you look closely you can see the armless guy's phocomelial flipper). DISQUALIFIED! Amputee week is over. Long live birth defect week!

x - 2007-09-12

You win, Mac.

I suppose it's only appropriate that the week is being cut short.

Pandatronic - 2007-09-12

Thank you. This tied with Chipmunks Movie for most uncomfortable fad ever.

Aelric - 2007-09-12

we went from depositions to 90's videos to amputees. what does next week have in store?

Pandatronic - 2007-09-12

Fingers crossed for Panda Week.

baleen - 2007-09-12

I saw this when I was about 8 years old. Thanks for submitting this, I haven't seen it since.

mouser - 2007-09-12

Better watch to this sound off. Damn that was annoying.

boba. - 2007-09-12

have you never ever watched a kung fu movie?

Hooker - 2007-09-12

Impossible to improve upon.

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