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Comment count is 14
BHWW - 2007-09-22

Well, that was...it was rather...I...

I saw posters for this thing in about half of the dinky small-town video rental joints I went into during my mid-adolescent years, and even later. One store had posters for what appeared to be every low-budget direct-to-video kid-flick plastered over the wall in the back.

Knuckles - 2007-09-22



Innocent Bystander - 2007-09-22

I've seen this! I don't remember any of it, except the kid indeed names the T.Rex Elvis.

Scurrie - 2007-09-22

This was an essential part of the previews on my long lost copy of Nukie. How I missed it.

snothouse - 2007-09-22

They made two sequels to this. TWO.

dead_cat - 2007-09-22

This is Full Moon, they invested "a lot" of money into cheap-ass little animatronic dinosaurs, they're gonna use 'em till they drop. Those sort of things have a very limited shelf-life anyway, even if they're only in storage.

Valkor - 2007-09-22

I must have really loved the fuck out of Dinos when I was a kid. I saw all three of these films. Two of them more than once.

Aelric - 2007-09-22

available EXCLUSIVELY on video cassette. that's a nice way of saying "couldn't pitch a theater release."

RandomFerret - 2007-09-22

I loved these movies when I was a kid. I had all three. In the second one they all escape and teach a lonely rich kid how to make friends!

Charles - 2009-08-12

I, too...am ashamed...I thought I could forget it, but alas...

Caminante Nocturno - 2007-09-22

I was rather disappointed that they didn't grow up to eat that family.

Camonk - 2007-09-23

That's a sequel I'd love to see. That family is obnoxious. I like the big fat thug's reaction to being headbutted though. He seems to think about it a second, then he's all, You can't--! and then he realizes he should fall down.

Schraff - 2007-09-23

Even as a child, I recall seeing this at the video rental emporium and thinking, "Uh, no thanks."

Big Muddy - 2007-11-05

It's more wince inducing than I imagined. Take this choice line: "Say howdy! You just got kissed on the tush by the king!" Sounds like Troma film dialog, or terrible porn.

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