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Comment count is 19
revdrew - 2007-10-05

I really can't express how beautiful this is in words.

revdrew - 2007-10-05

"23min comic horror film about food hygiene for adults with learning difficulties"


That means there's 19 more minutes of this out there. 19 MORE MINUTES THAT I MUST FUCKING SEE.

Pandatronic - 2007-10-05

It's like Pickle Surprise and Cautionary Tales of Swords had a retarded British baby.

bang to buck ratio - 2007-10-05

Watching Lord of the Rings with enthusiastic commentary by a bunch of English people with Down Syndrome would probably be pretty fantastic.

I'd bring in take-out, though.

RandomFerret - 2008-01-03

You know, that didn't really look much like Lord of the Rings. I think somebody took advantage of the poor dears.

Screwtape - 2007-10-05

I. was. on. the. chicken.

I. was. not. in. the. fridge.

They need subtitles, but I can't tell if they're incomprehensibility is a result of their mental defects or because they're British.

athodyd - 2007-10-05

1) the "sickness theme" is AWESOME

2) the germs are AWESOME


3A) awesome

Caminante Nocturno - 2007-10-06

I can't even find words for this.

Steebis - 2007-10-06


Tyrathca - 2007-10-06

Jesus H Christ on a fucking rubber crutch... this film needs a warning...


Operation Cornflakes - 2007-10-06

This and Nuts for Pudding prove beyond all doubt the superiority of British tards.

A million stars.

Roachbud - 2007-10-06

I am moving to England so I can work at Learning Disabilities Somerset

NoCode - 2007-10-06

"We were watching you, Jane..." While you were on the toilet!

Camonk - 2007-10-10

How will I know when I am watching Germ Academy?
I will give you a sign. The sign is that life is AWESOME.

Xiphias - 2007-10-24

Dude they are so British-sounding you can't even tell they are retarded.

gambol - 2007-11-22


poples - 2008-01-08

Fucking yes. The scariest thing I've seen in ages.

baleen - 2008-01-12

I dated a girl who worked with downs people all day. she made me sick all the time. dirty, dirty downs people.

asian hick - 2010-06-25

Apparently educating tards can only be accomplished by completely terrifying them.

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