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Comment count is 17
Pandatronic - 2007-10-24

Much love for the pale one.

Caminante Nocturno - 2007-10-24

Well, backfat's been ruined for me. Thanks a lot, funny man.

Maggot Brain - 2007-10-25

bibbidy bobbidy bacon!

dr_rock - 2007-10-25

This guy is *very* funny while not working blue... pretty amazing these days.

KillerGazebo - 2007-10-25


Jeff Fries - 2007-10-25

Jim Gaffigan on _______:

A comedy routine entirely devoted to _______. Actually funny.

gambol - 2007-11-01

yeah but

TeenerTot - 2007-10-25

I was surprised at how this made me giggle.

longwinded - 2007-10-25

that's gotta be the end of the bacon jokes

theFlu - 2007-10-25

I swear this is a dupe... I can't find it, but I'm sure I saw it about a week, or two, ago.

Feyd - 2007-10-25

Wow. I didn't think that would work but it was great.

Aubrey McFate - 2007-10-26

Jim usually bores me, but this was good all throughout. Loved the BLT salad bit.

theSnake - 2007-10-26

Yeah this guy is surprisingly funny. Talent shines through no matter what you are doing, even if its 5 minutes of stand up about bacon.

joyofdiscord - 2007-10-26


Repomancer - 2008-06-03

and there's no way to re-resubmit
If there were, I'd reresubmit THIS:

Repomancer - 2008-06-04

Whoop. Brain fart.

gambol - 2011-04-28

current resubmit isn't the right link

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