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Comment count is 73
garcet71283 - 2007-10-23

What did she think was going to happen?

She's kinda cute though...in a stupid/gullable sort of way.

kingarthur - 2007-10-23


I would assume the following exchange has taken place between these two: "Just...just put it in your mouth. No, just put it in your mouth. Sigh. I PROMISE I'm not gonna cum..."

voodoo_pork - 2008-07-14


"HA HA!"

Xenocide - 2007-10-23


"Hey, do you know what Wasabi is? No? Okay, here, eat a half-pound of it, I'll give you a dollar. Just take a big first bite."

Aubrey McFate - 2007-10-23

Puffing cinnamon = hilarious

IrishWhiskey - 2007-10-23

"Why are you laughin'?"

Uh... because its hilarious?

drcrypt - 2007-10-23

I made this exact same mistake as a kid: I mistook cinnamon for cinnamon sugar.

Rodents of Unusual Size - 2007-10-23

"It's just cinnamon." SQUEAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAK

Smellvin - 2007-10-23

This is definitely in the top five best quotes of any PoeTV video.

Big Beef Burritos Supreme - 2007-10-23

I love the shocked little cinnamon cloud

Cube - 2007-10-23

Now all we need is for all the comments to be "FAKE!" and half the submissions to be "HOT CHICK DANCING" and we'll have a fine little break.com clone.

erratic - 2007-10-23

exactly. and girl: that guy's a loser, expect better for yourself

Xiphias - 2007-10-23

she should dump him and date me i would protect her from cinnamon not make her eat it :) :) :)

Repomancer - 2007-10-23

She might make you shower with her, Xiph.

Billy Buttsex - 2007-10-24

Xiphias, I think you and I might have to duel to the death over this one. SHE'S MINE!!!

EvilHomer - 2007-10-24

Looks like we got us a three-way Mexican standoff here, boys. May the best man win... but if either of you are better than me, fuck you, I'm cheating.

Don't listen to them, baby! Those guys are nerds. Me? I'm the real deal, a tough guy with a heart of gold. I'm the edgy-but-non-threatening Casanova of your wildest dreams, sugar, a sky diving rockstar Navy SEAL... yeah, yeah, that's it, a member of the official US Navy SEAL Rock Band, with a parachute. Stick with me and I'll give ya ALL the cinnamon you want, and then some. Mmmmmmm. ;)

Spoonybard - 2007-11-11

I'm a bouncer.

OxygenThief - 2008-04-14

Jesus Christ. She didn't eat a spoonful of bathroom cleaner. She ate a spoonful of cinnamon and had it video taped because she assumed the result was going to be film worthy; which it so totally was.

She did it to herself and there is little chance of any lasting damage so the "I'd treat you right, baby" comments and other forms of internet chivalry are just sad. Dragon T-shirt sad.

tamago - 2009-08-23

Way to not get jokes, OxygenThief

Roachbud - 2007-10-23

-1 star for not being nutmeg, that shit really fucks you up

Sean Robinson - 2007-10-23

If she had choked to death and died, duder would have laughed for a good ten minutes before he figured it out and would have kept taping in shock for another twenty.

Ahriman the Creepy Lurker - 2007-10-23

Jesus, no kidding. The time to stop laughing and take her discomfort seriously would have been 'round about when she said she couldn't breathe.

Menudo con queso - 2007-10-23

The Duders of the world will never lack conventionally pretty girls to fuck over so long as those girls continue to maintain their extreme cases of insecurity and lack of self-respect. I work on a block with multiple sororities on it and you could measure the total dignity that walks by every day with a thimble.

Crapenstein - 2007-10-24

If she is talking, she is breathing.

fluffy - 2008-01-10

As someone with asthma I know that talking != breathing. Or at least not necessarily breathing well.

Big Beef Burritos Supreme - 2009-06-10

Oh c'mon, that barely ever happens with pepper spray, never mind seasonings, no matter how much of a jerk it makes him for filming it.

It was funny, though.

Rudy - 2007-10-23

"F...EKKK Y....EW"

right behind you... - 2007-10-23

She runs across the kitchen to get bottled water when the sink is RIGHT THERE, then she has to be TOLD to spit it out in the sink after a minute of keeping the water in her mouth. Girl, you're going to make a happy end table for someone, someday.

Cube - 2007-10-26

Maybe she lives in one of those poor countries that don't have drinkable tap water.

GoneGirl - 2007-10-23

His enjoyment is my enjoyment.

Maxville - 2007-10-23

We need more hot chicks and less frat dudes attempting retarded stunts.

Xiphias - 2007-10-23

hot chicks who are puking are the hottest chicks

Billy Buttsex - 2007-10-24


K Clobber - 2007-10-23

Stupid cunt.

Keefu - 2007-10-23

These two are probably going to breed eventually, you realize.

1394 - 2007-10-23

5 for angry cinnamon dragon.

revdrew - 2007-10-23

Some one, some where out there is jerking off to this.

Namely me.

Repomancer - 2007-10-23

He ain't gettin' any tonight.

coprolalia - 2007-10-23

['Tom Sawyer' riff]

fatatty - 2007-10-23

If she's stupid enough to shove a tablespoon of cinnamon in her mouth, she's probably stupid enough to sleep with her jackass cameraman.

Scrotum H. Vainglorious - 2007-10-23

I hope she realizes she'll have to live with blue tinted eyes and this addiction for the rest of her life.

Rodents of Unusual Size - 2007-10-24

Was hoping someone else would say it so I wouldn't have to.

A Jumping Spider! - 2007-10-24

She didn't shove a tablespoon in her mouth, she dumped it down her throat. Why would you do that with anything?

Hooker - 2007-10-24

Force of habit, I'm assuming.

Vicious - 2007-11-10


bowie - 2007-10-24

Way to protect the hair under pressure.
I guess that's what poise is.

don piano - 2007-10-24

To me the combination of her puking mannerisms and grooming decisions suggest repeated experience with alcohol poisoning.

Fingasmcgee - 2007-10-25

Hey you gotta protect the hair always, and in her defense a lot of people don't drink tap water what with brita and all though I did find this quite hilarious

ztc - 2007-10-24


Feyd - 2007-10-24

in the most delightful way

Mr. Quibble - 2007-10-25

-1 star for not having the foresight to replace the bottled water with vinegar or something.
+5 stars for "Why are you laughing?"

SharoKham - 2007-10-30

Goes on too long, but the first third is golden.

Gwago - 2007-11-09

Five stars for the cinnamon puffs and the look on her face that says "OMGZ I'M GONNA DIE!!1!!!!!"

FABIO2 - 2007-11-10


Vicious - 2007-11-10

Ah, college.

Caminante Nocturno - 2007-11-21

Sure, the puff of cinnamon is nice, but nobody's mentioned the little prancy dance of panic she does.

B_Ko - 2007-12-16

All stars for the "High five!" at the end.

Pie Boy - 2007-12-29

It could only be more perfect if she was also sinking in quicksand.

Camonk - 2008-01-27

I have this friend. He and his brother used to eat spoonfuls of flour as a contest. This video largely makes up for the fact that those idiots didn't videotape eating flour.

FISTFULLofSOUL - 2008-02-08

i knew a kid who used to eat dog eggs..but only the white ones

afp3683 - 2008-03-04

I've done this before.

It was both the easiest and worst I've ever made.

Big Beef Burritos Supreme - 2009-06-10

I once dumped white pepper in my eye as a dare.


bac - 2008-03-08


I myself also did this before, but it was for a beer.

dead_cat - 2008-04-03


VorpalGuy - 2008-05-18

Jesus, what a dick this guy is.

tamago - 2009-08-23

What a weeping vagina you are. It all balances out.

Goethe and ernie - 2008-08-31

I love the sad face she pulls when she gives the camera bro the finger. In fact, I'd happily watch a lengthy compilation of people looking genuinely upset.

soci-o-path - 2008-10-12


thekidinthehelmet - 2009-04-19

+6 For him going in for a high five.
-1 For her leaving him hanging.

zerobackup - 2010-03-27

She must throw up a lot. She couldn't breathe and was in a complete state of panic, but held her own hair back like a pro.

Meow Bitch - 2010-11-12

Just an FYI I'm pretty sure this is the same girl
Prank Vs Prank
They're still tormenting each other to this day.

urworstnightmare - 2012-11-12

next time try swallow without breathing "pretty" dumb

The Mothership - 2013-03-02

high 5!

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