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Desc:A young, fat Hulk Hogan learns about eating right and excercise with help from a magical negro.
Category:Classic TV Clips, Educational
Tags:wwf, hulk hogan, obesity, people in sports are always cool
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Comment count is 16
coprolalia - 2007-10-26


Stopheles - 2007-10-26


Stopheles - 2007-10-26

great minds run in the same gutter, apparently...

coprolalia - 2007-10-26

Sick minds think alike, as I like to say.

sosage - 2007-10-26

This is one of those clips I saw once back in the days and thought it was something I imagined while high.

Cube - 2007-10-26

Maybe it was ... UNTIL NOW

athodyd - 2007-10-26

I enjoy the "Young Hogan About To Vomit" theme.

garcet71283 - 2007-10-26

I thought this was just a childhood delusion....I was wrong...so....very....wrong.

Severian - 2007-10-26

Cannot watch this shit for 9 minutes.

bang to buck ratio - 2007-10-26

Holy shit. This had been buried in some horrible catacomb of my brain until today. But now it walks again.

EvilHomer - 2007-10-27

Same here. I haven't thought of this in a decade and a half, but as soon as the video started, I knew what was coming. Fat kid chugging and puking, clear as the day I first saw it.

Rodents of Unusual Size - 2007-10-27

I had to zip through parts of this but it was worth it to see the guitar session. Is this "Most Painful things the 80's produced" week?

baleen - 2007-10-27

They certainly captured the spirit of the early 1960's with their impeccable costume design and observance of the negro's plight and all.

Jeff Fries - 2007-10-27

This was part one of a two-part self-esteem special with Hogan and Jamie Lee Curtis shown on Nickelodeon. I can't remember what the Jamie Lee Curtis segment was about, but who can forget the image of a ten-year-old eating an entire shopping cart of pastries.

Also, I thought when he said "eat it today, wear it tomorrow" that this kid was staining his clothes with food then wearing them to school the next day.

PS: A shiny new dime to anyone who can locate "Fat Chance" or "Blueberry Bicycle" somewhere online.

Jeff Fries - 2007-10-27

Oh, I guess she throws a paper airplane into her teacher's hair - http://www.x-entertainment.com/updates/entries/archives/00000775.h tml

Erix - 2007-10-28

"...HE WAS A HAPPENING DUDE, AND MY ONLY FRIEND." That is easily my most favoritest line.

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